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Just talking between two people.

The corner came out and snorted weakly.

Su Luo looked up, but just right to the shock of a pair of eyes.

Su Zi'an?

Su Luo frowned.

At this time, Su Zi was safely blood and fell to the ground.

Now Su Zian is obviously suffering from a very heavy injury, and his life is not long.

But he was staring at the fall, and his eyes were incredibly shocked.

"You...the Purgatory City...the city owner..." Su Zian gasped and sighed and talked intermittently.

At this moment, Su Zian is very similar to Dong Xuan's state of mind. He feels that the world is ridiculous. He feels that his people live like a ****.

Regret? Nature is regretful.

If it wasn’t for him to succumb to the situation, and to give up the fall for the Yaochi Li family, then the current Sufu is definitely the first family in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Oh no, is there such a Soviet Union, not only the first family in the Eastern Jin Dynasty?

Didn't you see the city of Purgatory City killing the core figures of the three generations of Yaochi Lijia because of the words of the Soviet Union, and also sent a hand to destroy the Lijia Quanzu of Yaochi?

Therefore, Su Zian is convinced that with the two great mountains of the city master and Rong Yun master as the background, the Soviet government can become the second largest force in the world except Purgatory City!

However, all of this is destined to be like a dream bubble.

"Repent... Repent..." Su Zian's eyes stared at the Soviet Union, and the two lines of tears slowly rolled down.

Su Zi'an gas is dead, but his eyes are still big.

Su Luo walked step by step, crouched down, reached out and carefully closed his eyes.

She sighed heavily.

Today is really a big cleansing. After she came to this world, the people who were malicious to her died today.

But how can Su Zi'an die here? Su Luo Ming remembered that no one had touched him.

The sight of Su Luo wandered around and quickly let her discover the clue.

Su Zi'an is the undead corpse of Li Xiaoyuan.


It seems to be a mistake.

The urban masters went together and the momentum was so vast. The head of the Yaojia Lijia’s head was cut directly. Then, Su Zian, who was not far from Li’s body, was accidentally injured. What is difficult to understand?

No, it is not a mistake.

Su Luo suddenly thought that the master of the city was repaired as unpredictable, freely retracted, and would be accidentally injured?

So, that is to say, the urban master is deliberate?

Is it because of yourself?

Thinking of this, Su Luo sighed again in his heart.

The city owner is so loving, she really can't believe it.

Just then, there was a shrill sound in front.

The Soviet Union heard the sound and found that several of them had already revived.

"Let's fall." Beichen Shadows waving to the Soviet Union.

When Su went up, he looked at him and found that his meridians had flowed on his own. It was very smooth, and he was relieved. He patted Bei Chenying’s shoulder and smiled: "Ghost door has gone, how do you feel?"

Bei Chen’s mouth and mouth showed a bitter smile: “There is no other feeling, but it only hurts.”

The purple scorpion didn't smack him, and he gestured: "The deep dagger, straight into the ground, can't hurt?"

Speaking of this, Zi Yan’s eyes began to turn red again.

Bei Chen Ying smiled and touched her hair and began to appease her.

Taking advantage of this effort, Su Luo checked the body for both blue and dark nights.

Seeing that two people are also safe and sound, the Soviet Union really breathed a sigh of relief.

"Right, fall, how did you just promise the city master to go to the Purgatory City?" Bei Chen Ying asked curiously.

"Why must I go to Purgatory City?" She still wants to go back to Master.

"Don't you know that it is difficult for Purgatory City to enter? You know, the last time the list of the Dragons wanted to go to the Purgatory City, they were all turned away." Beichen Yingyi, you are in Fuzhou, I don't know how to be blessed. His eyes glared at the fall.

————More 15 chapters, 攒人品~~~hoho~ The master of the city is always calling out~~ Are you still satisfied?

Ps: A lot of questions about publishing, here is a unified explanation. This book has already been published in two, and all major Xinhua Bookstores, Dangdang, Taobao, Amazon, Jingdong, etc. are available for sale. The name of the publication is Yicheng Allure, or input Su Xiaowen, it is ok~~~ If you want to wait for the whole to buy again, maybe you can't buy the front part at that time~ So you should collect the pro.

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