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Soon, these black shadows stopped in the same place, gathered, and then surrounded by the Soviet Union and others.

These Warcraft are very strange, there are three feet of wild cattle, black fur pythons, and giant pythons with many feet... Sue sees eyes wide, and my heart is a little surprised.

Zi Yan whispered to the Su Xiaodao on the side: "These Warcraft are from the outside world, not on our continent, so you should have never seen it before."

From the outside world? Su Luo was shocked. What kind of world is the outside world, she seems to have never heard of it.

But now it is obviously not the time to ask this.

In front of these, these World of Warcraft are evil, and they are surrounded by imposing manners.

Su fell a gesture, so the friends immediately formed a circle, but the Luo girl was consciously, actually entered the center of the protection circle, but also coldly told: "You have to kill all of these Warcraft!" When the time comes, this girl has a lot of rewards!"

Su Luo, including her friends, all looked back at the girl with the look of an idiot, then turned back silently.

I have seen brains, but I have never seen such a disability.

The surrounding Warcraft storm came, the strength is strong and weak, but because of the large number, there is no good way to kill them all at once.

Luo's girl's eyes wandered around, like watching the prey, and soon, her sharp and excited voice sounded!

"Fast, four-winged angel, go kill it!"

Luo’s voice was anxious and excited, screaming again and again.

Su Luo did not really listen to her words, but there was another calculation in her heart, so her body vacated and flew toward the four-winged angel.

The four-winged angel, like a human figure, is slim and beautiful, and the long hair of black, like ink, grows to the ankle, and the whole body exudes a holy and pure atmosphere.

This kind of breath makes people feel intoxicated and can't bear to hurt it. It seems that it is awkward to look at it.

But the shadow sword in the hands of Su Luo did not hesitate to fly out of the air, and smashed toward the holy four-winged angel like a fairy!

The shadow sword has a spiritual sense and does not require the control of the Soviet Union. After it locks the target itself, it will continue to attack.

The four-winged angel looks delicate and weak, as if the wind is blowing.

But when you really fight, you will find that it is not the case at all.

Four-winged angels also have at least ten levels of strength.

The shadow sword has been attacked by a dozen or so, but the four-winged angel can always dodge in the final step.

Again and again, avoid it again.

And she saw that the momentum was not good, and she fought back.

Just as she retreated to the edge of the channel and almost broke into the channel, she found that -

There was already a beautiful girl in a goose-yellow skirt.

The girl was leaning against the corner with a smile, half-squinting at her.

"Want to go? It's not so easy. Let's talk about it after I pass it." The corner of Su's mouth evokes a smile, and there is a sense of hunting in the smile.

What does this four-winged angel represent? The stupid Luo girl did not say it, but it did not mean that she was countless.

But it is only ten steps.

Su Luo did not release her gravity space at this time, because some cards, not less than a last resort, she did not intend to take it out.

Su Luo calmly extended his right hand, and the shadow sword had already appeared in her hands.

"You, let's die." Su fell in his hands and held the shadow sword, and there was no wind behind him.

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