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Compared with the excitement outside, the atmosphere inside the tower is very depressed, with despair in the depression.

Finally, a few people in the line looked at the Soviet Union.

Rong Jun first spoke: "Captain, these variants are nine poisonous spiders, we can't make it, or else, let's give up?"

Rong Jun feels that so many people are not sure. Now there are only five people left. How can they win? So he had a retreat in his heart.

At the same time, he looked at Su Luo silently and silently, and his thin lips became a white line. At this time, he did not hope for this.

Five people, so many nine-eyed spiders, this is simply impossible to accomplish, or give up.

It’s a stupid big sister, still looking like a carefree face, because she doesn’t need to think about anything, she doesn’t need to worry about anything. She just has to follow the instructions of the Soviet Union.

Su Luo is her brain, and her finger pointing pointed out that she is a big stick.

Su Luo looked at them faintly: "You think this, we will definitely lose?"

Rong balanced research inks face each other. To this extent, do they still have a chance to win, is the captain joking?

They didn't answer the words of Su Luo, but they did mean that.

Who knows, the Soviet Union smiled lightly: "You are too unconfident. Without a few idiots, for us, it is better than harm."

"Ah?" Rongjun's brain is almost immediately.

How do you listen to the captain's meaning, how many people ran away but good things?

Su Luo seems to have guessed his mind and said with a smile: "Of course it is a good thing. After they are gone, you captain, I don't need to pay any attention to pay attention to whether they will lick the knife behind them. Is this not? Good thing?"

"But..." Rong Jun swallowed his throat and looked at Su Luo with difficulty. He stressed again: "We only have five people, but nine poisonous spiders are so hot..."

At this time, Rong Jun and Yan Momo looked at more and more nine poisonous spiders gathered in front of them, and the words of the Soviet Union were very uncertain.

At this time, the nine-eyed spiders swarmed toward them quickly.

One is only huge and fierce, and the eyes are shining with fierce and hungry light.

Just like the Soviets who aim to kill the nine-headed spider, these nine-eyed spiders are all aimed at killing humans.

Rongjun retreats several times.

There was a look of fear on his face.

Outside the tower.

Many people have shown a pity expression.

"Hey, they just climbed to the seventh floor, is this a failure?"

"It is a pity."

"If they are still there, maybe there is still a chance to win."

"Now they want to win, unless they open their eyes."

People outside the tower feel that the Soviet Union is finished this time, and it will definitely die.

Suo himself thinks this way? At this time, the fall of the mouth, but the corner of the mouth slowly spurred a sneer arc, and the war of the eyes was raised!

The Rongjun next to him was too anxious: "Captain! What should I do? We are about to be surrounded!"

With so many nine-eyed poison spiders, Rong Jun really thinks that the legs are soft.

"You can't attack a few, but the speed is good." Su Li looked at them with a smile, because she knew that these people are all winds.

"But we can't run for a few minutes, and what is the use of light running?" Rong Jun cried, feeling that this property is not good at all.

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