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At this time, Su Luo and the stupid big sister have already killed the previous five nine-eyed spiders, and they still have a leisurely chat.

Seeing Rong Jun like this, Su Luo directly smiled and sprayed.

"Scratch! You still have a feeling of laughter? I am going to be burned to death!" Rong Jun fights for the death of the Soviet Union and they run wild.

When he saw the nine-eyed poisonous spider lying on the ground and lying dead, his eyes were rounded.

three minutes!

Killing five in just three minutes, will this Nima speed be too fast? Will the strength be too strong?

Su Luo and the stupid big sister took the five nine-eyed poison spiders behind Rong Jun.

It is still the previous match.

The Soviet Union used gravity space and fallen red lotus to make the other party lose their senses, and then the stupid big sister rushed up to the head of the nine-eyed spider!

The brains of the nine-headed poisonous spider were choked and bloody.

Look at the Rong Jun a bit of sore stomach pain.

Breathingly, he gave a thumbs up to the stupid big sister. This big sister is really the most violent person he has ever seen, and it is too much.

After the two sides of the Soviet Union killed two nine-eyed poisonous spiders, the kite-flying team that was led by Yan Mo also came back.

Compared with Rong Jun’s wolf, the situation is much better, not so embarrassing.

However, Su Luo looked at the pale face of Yan Mo, and he knew that his estimate was also awkward.

Su Luo commanded Rong Jun: "Hurry up, help your buddy, this time does not take long, leaving two, the remaining three around a minute is enough!"

At this point, Rong Jun had confidence in Su Luo and the stupid big sister. It only took a minute to hear it. He immediately slammed his chest: "Captain, look at me!"

So, he said nothing, took the rod of the strict, with the group of stupid nine-eyed poisonous spiders.

So, there is time to take a break and take a break.

Just like the performance before Rong Jun, he was also dumbfounded after seeing the amazing efficiency of the savage action of Su Luo and the big sister.

This is too fast!

These nine-eyed spiders are not ordinary Warcraft, but holy steps, holy steps! ! !

How is it as simple as cutting carrots and Chinese cabbage in their hands? Yan Mo was deeply shocked by the earthquake.

When Xiao Ding brought the team back, Su Luo and the stupid big sister had already cleaned up the nine poisonous spiders in their hands, so they took the nine-eyed spider in the hands of Xiao Ding and continued to kill them. It is.

Xiao Ding looked at it for a while, straight tongue.

Not only Xiao Ding, they were shocked. At this time, those people outside the tower were all dumbfounded by the speed of Su Luo and the stupid big sister.

"Isn't this Nima really true? I have no problem with my eyes? Or is there a problem with the system screen? Killing more than half of it so soon?"

"You have no problem with your eyes, and there is no problem with the system god. The problem is the two."

"How can it be so fast? This is the next time 201 can cry."

For a time, all eyes were focused on the face of 201.

201 At this time, the face was covered with ice, and his face was blue and green, and he almost violently jumped.


It turned out that they had been hiding their strength at the beginning. It was deliberate to see him ugly! ! !

At this moment, 201's hatred of the Soviet Union has increased by three points, becoming a deadly enemy.

At this time, in the tower, Su Luo and the stupid big sister have cooperated with killing all the nine poisonous spiders.

"Boss, big killing, how to deal with these small! Their mouths are very poisonous." Rong Jun was anxious to jump.

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