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Ning Lao smiled and licked the goat white beard: "The worst thing is 10,000 points."

Ten thousand points... It may be a lot for others, but for Su Luo, the 10,000 points really don't have any appeal, but it is a day's money, or a day's labor in the Warcraft area.

"What is the best?" The eyes of the Soviet Union are sparkling, and they are flashing, and they look great.

Ning Lao was so clear and coughed twice, after selling Shimonoseki, he said, "This is the best, it is five pieces of ancient bones."

"Too ancient bones?" What? The Soviet Union was completely stunned, and she did not have this information in her memory.

"The Archaic bones are divided into wisdom skulls, strength arm bones, and speed leg bones. There are a total of five." Ning Lao explained the Su Luo in detail, and saw the casual care of Su Luo, and suddenly his eyes slammed. "Taro, you can Don't underestimate them, this is baby. Let's talk about this wisdom skull. When it merges with the host, wisdom will reach an unprecedented height!"

Su Luo was interested in it, and his eyes were shining bright.

"For example, if you have this strength arm bone, as long as the arm bones are merged, the attack power will burst out in an instant. Is it possible to fly people in the first step, isn't it?"

The first step, that is, the first order can lead the first step of the Holy Lord? This is definitely a good thing! The worst thing in the fall is the attack power. Faced with a few stars more than her, she can't break the defense of the other side. This is very annoying.

If you have this power arm bone... Su Luo is going to have a mouth water of three thousand feet.

"Let's talk about this speed leg bone. With this speed leg bone, if it is an ordinary person, the speed can almost catch up with the teleport, if it will be teleported..."

"What will happen?!" The Soviet Union was excited!

"That would be... I don't know the old man." Ning old hands spread, "The old man has lived for so many years, has not seen it yet, or if you want to get the speed leg bones in the future, take a few steps to the grandfather. Hey?"

Su Luo: "..."

She also thought that Ning Laotou knew it.

Su Luo and Ning Laotou sang together, one said the expressive, one listened seriously, and directly ruined the guardian.

"I still can't pump it! If you don't smoke it, you can't do it!" The guards yelled at them.

At this point, the people present were all watching Su Luo.

They have just listened attentively to the old man's explanations. They also listened to the slobber, and they wanted to incarnate the Soviet Union and go up and smoke it for one thousand and eight thousand times.

Ning Lao patted the shoulders of the thin face: "Taro, come on, take it out of a piece of ancient bones. Whether it is a wisdom skull or a strength arm bone, speed leg bones, that is all baby."

"Yeah!" Su Luo was full of confidence.

The inspectors were so angry that they fell.

"I still have a wisdom skull, but also want to strength arm bones, speed leg bones? Ha ha." The guardian adults sneered a few times, "These treasures are a probability of one in a million, want to get it? Next life!"

Isn't it?

For so many years, because of various official rewards, there are not thousands of people who have won prizes in this system, but there are still thousands of people who have been drawn from the ancient times. This skunk will be taken once and want to draw? Beautiful.

At this time, there is silence around.

The lottery, everyone is looking forward to the miracle, because of this possibility, all countless people stare at the stone platform with envious eyes and stare at the Soviet Union.

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