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Ning Lao did not breathe a sigh of relief: "What do you mean? Black means black!"

Su Luo understood.

But understand that this program still has to go.

So the Soviets called in.

Everyone spends almost the same time, all for a minute.

But when going out, everyone's expressions are screaming, angry, almost carved out on a template, but it is really impossible to guess who it is sold to.

Who is it sold to?

Of course, it is the big one that sells the price of 2 million points.

And that big head Susuo also knows it, that is 201 who has hatred with her.

Su Luo did not know that 201 was so rich, 2 million points, he actually said that he took it out and took it out.

After Su Luo got 2 million points, she did not say anything, and she was greatly consumed by her spiritual pets.

Although they also eat and eat meat, there is no aura in these ordinary foods. To supplement their aura, they must be given special spiritual food.

For example, a pure spirit of 30,000 points, such as a fire crystal of 50,000 points...

Two million points look a lot, but it takes a lot of money.

Su Luo bought twenty pure spirits for Xiao Zi and Xiao Ling Hu, so they stayed for a long time.

Then sold twenty sparkling stones to the fallen red lotus. This trial tower is a great force, and the trial tower of the lower middle mountain needs it to come out, so twenty pyrites are a must.

Forty pure fruit, spent 1.2 million points.

Twenty sparkling stones, spent a million points.

It’s not enough for Su Luo’s two million points from the big head to be spent. The points that the Soviet Union originally earned in the Warcraft area have all been put in.

The Soviet Union almost had tears. The spiritual pet is really not something that ordinary people can raise.

When Su Luo bought it, he remembered it. Oh, forget to buy something for the mutant Acacia tree. I have ignored it since the last time, and I have forgotten it this time...

Su Luo patted the head of his own brain, suffering from poverty and suffering unevenness, she was afraid that the mutant Acacia tree was wronged.

However, Su Luo quickly relieved.

If the plan is successful, she will get a lot of points in the evening, so don't worry.

201 did not expect that he would actually buy this strength arm bone!

He did not return to his place of residence at all, because he was afraid that the Soviet Union would leak the news, so he went to the middle-level Warcraft area overnight, and found a remote cave, and began to refine this power arm!

Will the Soviet Union disclose this news?

Of course it will be.

However, as the so-called 蝉 蝉 蝉 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Therefore, she just told the guardian and the cold Xiao.

When the guardian came in, Su Luo blackmailed him 100,000 points and then sold the news.

The words of Leng Xiao... This person has a yin and yang, and Su Luolian is boring to talk to him, so he only hints a little bit. Can you understand his own creation?

However, the character of Leng Xiao is very self-self, selfish, and self-sufficient, so he is more inclined to believe that Su Luo did not sell the skeleton.

However, Su Luo took his face, spent 2 million points, bought forty pure fruit and fire spar, and scared the adult on the spot.

This girl is not a master and does not know Chai Migui, it is really a big hand!

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