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"Just a little bit, if you want, you will be given to you. But --" Su Luo dragged the tail.

Ning Lao stood up, stretched and sighed and sighed: "Hey, old, I haven't started working for many years, old and old, it seems that the activity is too much."

Su Luo quickly hugged his dog's legs like a knock on his shoulders: "Your skill is good, it is not old, but inactive activities, it is really a waste. Right, you pack this tea."

Seeing that the old man of Ning is so on the way, the Soviet Union will not take it, and will quickly send the gift out.

In fact, even if Ning Lao does not help this, Su Luo will also send tea as a thank you.

After all, Ning Lao not only sent her three souls, but also stood on her side, and together with her offended the guardian adults. Su Luo knows, the guardian is sent by the elders of the genius training camp, and the background is very good.

"Come on, this pot of water is also prepared for you, use this water to make tea, then it is called." Su Luo smiled and sent the top grade Tianling water.

Ning Lao took a look at Tianling Water and suddenly turned his eyes: "Before the seventh floor..."

Suo Duo was so smart. When he heard this, he suddenly smiled: "If you guessed it, let others guess it."

Ning Lao looked at this little gimmick, and didn't bother to bomb her: "I have done it, let's say, I have to work my little old man, what do I do?"

"If you don't ask for anything else, let you go to the colder than the martial arts, and learn something."

"Compared with the competition? Now?" Ning Lao was extremely confused.

"Well, wait until I will go to the middle of the mountain with Wei Dajie. If you don't guess wrong, cold Xiao will definitely follow us. When you get out, you will go out and talk to Leng Xiao. What is your family? Su Luo smiled and suggested.

Still talking about it, what is the good talk with the junior? Ning Lao took a look at the Soviet Union.

However, he also reminded Su Luo: "The cold boy who is surnamed is the boss in the middle of the mountain. He has been in the middle for many years. This time you are there, he will definitely participate in the assessment. His strength is already the top 100. The strength of the name, when you are..."

In other words, in the days after the fall, it is always necessary to confront the cold Xiao.

Su Brow's brow wrinkled, but then let go: "I thought he was more powerful, and he still stayed in the middle of the mountain."

Ning Lao didn't take a good look at the Soviet Union. "You don't want to take a look at the trial tower in the middle of the mountain. The rules there are different from the downstream mountains and the end mountains. The assessment is the team competition. I think you will have a long time. Stay in the middle of the mountain."

"Team game? What is it?" Su Li was immediately attracted attention.

Ning Lao then gave Sue Kepu: "The trial tower of the middle mountain is not as climbing up the layers of the two mountains, and then climbs to the seventh floor, where there is only one layer."

"One layer?" Sudoku increased the volume incredibly.

"Yes, there is only one floor, but the teamwork ability is assessed. Everyone in the competition has a jade, and then the rule of this game is, whoever grabs more jade, who has higher scores, in other words, the ranking is high. "Ning Lao looked at the Soviet Union, and there was a touch of worry in the middle.

The cold Xiao is a famous boss in the middle of the mountain. He has a lot of hands. When he wins, it is very big. As for the Soviet Union, she is the first to come, and in the lower reaches of the mountain, she will have such a big reputation. I am afraid that if I go in, I will Being encircled, the next second will be kicked out.

I have to say that Ning Lao’s worries coincide with Leng Xiao’s plan.

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