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This is too ancient bones, as long as the bones are merged, his strength will rise greatly. At that time, his position in the genius training camp will be greatly improved, and there may be opportunities to enter the elders group!

Huge interests and temptations have made the guardian's defenses a little more relaxed.

He speeded up and soon came to the front of 201!

However, he still has a few points of defense, so the backhand stabbed the dagger to the heart of 201. But 201 is like dead, and nothing moves.

The guardian showed a sneer at the bottom of his eyes: "Is it dead already? Very good."

Then he bent over and picked up the strength arm and looked at it, his eyes flashing with faint and excited light.

"Great, great! It really is the strength of the arm bones. In the first years of life, the old man actually met. Good, good!" The guardian was standing next to the body of 201, and he couldn’t help but rub his strength. Deep-eyed in the eyes, like in his most beloved person.

"This idiot, gave him a few hours, he still can not refine, huh, huh." The guardian adults began to cast aside 201, "To refine the strength of the arm bones, you must show the spirit grass idiot! No Xiuling Grass, you refine your hair!"

This time, the supervised adult is really excited. Otherwise, with his insidious personality, it is impossible to say such a slogan + vomiting, and there is no end to it.

The stupid big sister disliked him, and wanted a shell to rush up, but Su’s eyes glanced at her and she didn’t dare to move.

I don't know why, she is not afraid of fear, she is afraid that she will be angry with her. A small drop flies over her eyes, and she twists her hands like a little wife.

That compartment, the guardian is still excited, the mouth is screaming: "This has to squeeze the grass into juice, smeared on the strength arm bones, remove this layer of bronze rust, and then refining. I know that this idiot doesn't understand, and spent 2 million points in vain, which is cheaper for me! Hahaha!"

The custodian was originally trying to go back to refining, but when he thought about it, he decided to sit in the same place. Early refining and good morning, so as not to have a long night dream, and then say that if you go back, there are many people, and there may be problems.

Here is a corpse, what can be done?

I have to say that when people are excited, the IQ will drop, and the guardian is one of them.

He didn't think about it, just sat down on the side of 201's body to prepare for refining.

Just as Su Luo was preparing to direct the stupid big sister to rush out, suddenly, her eyes lingered in an amazing scene, so she immediately pulled the stupid big sister back.

Silly big sister looked at Su Luo with a puzzled look.

Sue pointed his finger at that direction.

Su Luo and the stupid big sister, they have been repaired to such a degree, they are all able to look at night vision, similar to the daytime vision.

Then the stupid sister saw that a **** dagger appeared in the hands of 201, and then the dagger was slowly moving slowly toward the back of the guardian's adult...

Silly big sister eyes suddenly smashed round! ! !

That is the body! ! !

Suddenly, the hand seemed to have exhausted the strength of the whole body, clutching the dagger, and the roots of the hand on the back of the hand bulged!

Then the dagger smashed into the back of the guardian, the place near the heart! ! !

So close distance, the guardian adults are unprepared, and even really stabbed!


PS: 1:10, I am still, continue the code word ~~~~

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