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Su Luo didn't take it easy, and took the stupid big sister and swayed away.

However, it is only the guardian of the adults. The guardians of the downstream mountains have been killed by her. What is great.

The Soviet Union stood in front of the trial tower and waited to enter.

At this point, she is carefully observing the surrounding people.

It is faintly divided into a dozen small groups, of course, the biggest one is based on cold Xiao.

The second largest...Sue’s eyes flashed slightly.

It is a tower-like Chinese paper!

With a height of more than three meters, his muscles are massive, and he is so naked that he has a bronze complexion. Muscles piece by piece, looks very powerful.

Sue carefully observed that this person is a force fighting type, the same as the stupid big sister, and his strength, I am afraid to be above the stupid big sister.

Su Luo touched his chin and his brow wrinkled slightly.

The people here are beyond her expectations. If there is no such thing as Nangong Liuyun, this time she wants to go in the top ten estimates are enough.

However, fortunately, there are high-ranking people, and Su Luo is full of confidence in this trip to the trial tower.

At this moment, the tower-like man's gaze swept over the Soviet Union, and saw the fine-legged legs of the Soviet Union, and snorted in the nostrils: "Little mosquitoes!"

This is his evaluation of the Soviet Union.

The stupid big sister shook the big stick in her hand and angered: "You are a stupid big pig with a fat head, you can dare to fight!"

The stupid big sister snorted and slammed the stick on the ground.

Iron Tower Dahan disdainfully lost his eyes to the stupid big sister, arrogantly raised his chin and turned his head. People said that they are very disdain!

The stupid big sister suddenly burned in anger, as if he was guessed in the tail, and he was so angry that he couldn’t wait for it to rush.

Fortunately, Su Luo stopped her.

"Don't move, wait for how to play after you go in, how to fight here." The voice of the Soviet Union is not hot or cold, not light, but it is enough for the tower big man and cold Xiao to hear.

The Iron Tower did not react, but Xiao Xiao sneered.

Waiting for it? Just entering your **** will be sent out, and I want to go in and think about how to fight, how to fight, a big tone. Cold Xiao arrogantly stunned Su’s eyes and his heart groaned.

Soon, the door of the trial tower opened.

Su Luo and the stupid big sister are squeezed into the crowd.

Just entering, Su Luo found that surrounded by a golden yellow.

This map turned out to be a desert, a vast and innocent desert. The desert is very hot and surrounded by hot feelings.

Just as soon as I entered, many people started!

Because the first step is to be strong, and then start to suffer, no one wants to be the cannon fodder of others.

The stupid big sister is also looking forward to a real battle with the tower big man. Who knows that Su Luo actually took her hand and flew away in a quiet place.

The stupid big sister has always been obedient and can only run away with the Soviet Union, but she is not happy in her heart. She said: "Isn't it a fight? What are you running?"

The stupid big sister ran back and turned back.

The place where the original one hundred people stood has now become the main battlefield!

It was a cruel melee! It’s really hard to play! The stupid big sister is gearing up and wants to go to help.

Of course, there are also flying like the Soviet Union in all directions, the speed is fast, just like a flash of light.

However, Su Luo grabbed her and lowered her voice. The tone was unprecedentedly serious: "Run! If there are more than 20 people surrounded by the cold, the two of us will be better."

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