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He knew that Sue was scheming, so he wanted to clean up the Sulu first, and then confronted Shen Dazhuang. I didn’t expect the king to come across the king.

Cold and silent, Shen Dazhuang is constantly provoking each other: "Why, don't you dare to fight?"

Leng Xiao waved him and angered: "Let's go! I have something to do here, and I will fight with you after I finish it!"

Shen Dazhuang is not happy: "What words! You dare to admit that you are the first, and even dare to fight with me?"

Leng Xiao pointed to Su Luo: "Handle her and fight with you!"

"Well, well, you have to deal with it!" Shen Dazhuang stood up and went to the side.

He and Su Luo did not touch the pro, and certainly will not help Su Luo, and Su Lu naturally knows, but at this time she smiled.

Leng Xiao stepped toward her step by step.

I saw him wave his hand, and his group of men rushed toward the Soviet Union like a wolf!

At least a dozen people, and each tiger bears the waist, the strength is good, can do the cold Xiao, at least also the Lord's star.

But what about the Soviet Union? She is the poor leader of the seven stars. It is possible for so many saints to besiege her, and she is lucky to have three lives.

In fact, so many saints and stars together united and strangled, Su Luo can not win anyway, and even if there is a stupid big sister to help, two people can not stand each other's three strokes.

After three strokes, you will lose!

Everyone who sees it will lose.

Leng Xiao is laughing.

Shen Dazhuang stood by and watched.

The onlookers outside the tower shook their heads at this time.

"Oh, no, this girl is finally gone."

"Whoever makes her not look good, is it right to be against the cold boss? They are all dead."

"It's a pity, this girl is so beautiful, so she lost."

"Is it wrong? Lose and stay in the middle of the mountain, let you see more?"

"There is nothing in the tower, it will not hurt your life, but this girl has offended the cold boss. If he stays in the middle of the mountain after coming out, I don't think it is life."

When I mentioned this, many people shook their heads silently, and the look of pity appeared in the eyes.

Just when everyone thought that the Soviet Union would lose, she provoked her lips and her face was still a light smile.

In the face of the powerful leader of the Holy Lord, Su Luo clung to the hand of the stupid big sister.

The attack is coming!

Everyone surrounded them!

Then just in this moment -

Su Luo put all the identity plates in his hands in the heap, accompanied by a sentence: "Shen Da Zhuang, you are stupid! You killed me, my identity plate is cold Xiao?"

At the same time, the twelve identity plates on the Soviet Union were all thrown into the air!


Then the two goals of Su Luo and Silly Big Sister are gone!

Around the front and rear, there are a dozen people here, and the goal is gone!

For a time, all of these people’s attacks were on their own, and they were ejected by their own fists!

At this point, the scene is very confusing.

The cause of the confusion was the last words that Su Luo shouted, and the identity plate that was thrown out.

The identity plate fell, and the east piece was a piece of west. All of them did not notice the inside of the 12 pieces. There was no such thing as a fallen and a big sister.

They all thought that Su Luo and the stupid sister chose to quit themselves, turning into a white light and flashing away.

But how could they know that, at the most critical moment, Su Luo took the stupid big sister, took advantage of the teleport, and then slammed it out.

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