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Because he heard a groaning sound coming from the bottom of his foot.

Then there was a sharp pain!

"You!" Leng Xiao pointed his finger at the Soviet Union, and wanted to rush to kill the Soviet Union.

"You have the ability to come over." Su fell hands with his arms around his chest and smiled at the cold Xiao who was in the same place. She is sure that he will not come over at this time.

In fact, it is true that cold Xiao can not step out, even he can not stand, his legs have been eroded to the calf.

"You... you are so embarrassed!" Cold and mad, almost vomiting blood!

"Any intrigue is not to blame the design, but to blame yourself for being too stupid." Su Luo smiled and raised his eyebrows. "You are so stupid, Shen Dazhuang know?"

This is a real blood spurt!

"When did you lay the game?" Leng Xiao felt unimaginable. He had to carry him to bury the best corrosive poison, and he was able to count his foot. Is there such a coincidence?

Su sings a hair, smiles easily and proudly: "It's very simple, when you fight with Shen Da Zhuang, I am not going to pick up those identity plates? Just then buried."

Leng Xiao sighed in his throat!

What is the brain of this stinky girl? At that time, it has been step by step, counted to the present?

No, no, maybe earlier... At this moment, in the cold Xiao’s mind, he suddenly blessed the soul, and he captured a trace of information from the trajectory of Su’s activity.

"After you came in, you have already counted this step?!" Cold Xiao rushed to the Soviet Union.

First, I ran to the ridiculous land in the east and ambushed. After hunting more than a dozen identity plates, I deliberately let people inform him and Shen Dazhuang. Then she ran away and let herself fight with Shen Dadu, waiting for herself to be stupid and tough. She ran out of the fart and brushed out the presence!

What kind of mentality is this? It’s almost a matter of calculating the accuracy of each step, and counting everyone’s personality... It’s terrible! Leng Xiao’s forehead unknowingly draws a string of cold sweat.

But at the same time, Leng Xiao’s taboo on the Soviet Union has deepened his point. He made up his mind in his heart. He can no longer let this girl survive. He must kill her as soon as possible. Otherwise, she will grow up, have a plan and strength. What a terrible thing to be?

The trial tower can't really kill people, so Leng Xiao decided that out of this trial tower, he took a group of people and killed the girl. As a result, according to the rules of extension, he was eligible to participate in the upstream mountain. Assessment.

Now that he has decided to go out and kill the Soviet Union, now it is not necessary to care about her now. So, in the extreme pain, Leng Xiao gazed deeply at the Soviet Union and then quit.

Looking at the cold Xiaohua as a flash out, the corner of the mouth of the Soviet Union slightly tilted up, and silently praised Nangong Liuyun.

Nangong Liuyun is far away from the spurs, but it can be strategized, and it is a thousand miles away. Is this a plan that can be solved by a small cold sorrow?

At this time, the Soviet Union did not know that the cold Xiao after the tower had already been recruited.

Su Luo and the stupid sister happily picked up all the identity plates on the ground.


Two pieces.

Three pieces.


At this time, the people outside the tower, with a very magical gaze, full of adoring eyes, staring deeply at the screen on the fall.

There are too many cows!

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