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Said to let him help, so let him help, Suo has no remorse meaning, but is a stupid big sister, this stupid big sister is crying hateful cold Xiao, I want to peel him cramps!

Leng Xiao did not make any other pauses, only to deal with the task, then clicked the button.

Then, the clock with the same clock will rotate quickly.

Leng Xiao smiled and slammed the Soviet Union: "Smelly girl, when do you say stop?"

Such an important lottery, he seems to be careless, as you like, as if you are picking cabbage radish.

Others were sorry for the fall, and they sighed, but Su Luo still smiled and said: "Any."

Leng Xiao did not see the expression he was expecting on the face of Su Luo, and his eyes flashed a violent temper: "That's good, just stop it!"

The voice has not fallen, and the cold hand has been pressed on the button.

The screen is black, and then, in the eyes of everyone who does not expect -

Shen Dazhuang first called out: "The trough! Two words! There are actually two! Let go and let go, let Laozi see what is it!"

Shen Dazhuang rushed up quickly. When he saw the two nouns above, he only felt dizzy in his head and could barely stand.

"The trough! There is a mistake in hair! One is a sunny doll, and there is one - ah ah ah ah ah ah!" Shen Da silly thinks that either the eyes are looking at the flowers, or the world is too crazy. .

"Wisdom Skull!!!" Cold Xiao squeezed these four words out of his teeth!

It turned out to be a wisdom skull! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

At this moment, the whole person of Xiao Xiao was paralyzed. He looked at his thick and thick hands with no words. He smoked several times but had nothing. This time he even took such a good prize, and Still two! Two! ! !

One of them is a wisdom skull, ah! ! !

Leng Xiao feels that all the luck values ​​of his life have been added up to this time.

Just in the cold Xiao, Shen Da Zhuang, including all the people, just because they are all indigested because of this huge news, so that when they are swaying, the most powerful psychologically stable Su and the stupid big sister who has no psychological pressure at all, two The individual has already grabbed the two treasures, and with a teleport, the two have disappeared in place.

Su Luo is rushing to throw these two treasures into the space. Then, what kind of clear-sky dolls will not study it first, just the wisdom skull, the Soviet Union will almost give cold and sorrow.

Then, Su Luo took the stupid big sister and it was a teleport, and the figure moved forward several miles.

Jokes, such a powerful baby, in the environment surrounded by enemy forces in the middle of the mountain, do not run, then wait to be robbed, and it is clear!

Leng Xiao, the bastard, he said before that he would give himself the prizes that were drawn. It was built on the fact that the reward is rubbish. Now this is the wisdom skull, the wisdom skull! ! !

When Su Luo and the stupid big sister teleported for about a second, then Shen Daxiao responded. He touched his bare head: "Hey, man? Baby?"

Yes! Baby? !

Everyone stared at the words on the screen, but did not realize that the baby had already spit out, and had been snatched away by the Soviet Union and even the baby was gone.

The cold air is in the heart! That rage!

At this moment, his eyes were red, his eyes were jumping with two flaming flames, and his whole body seemed to be burned by the flames. The whole popularity was about to explode.


The pain is fast cramping ~~ 10,000 words per day is equivalent to 12 essays in your day~~~ Is it too slow? Suddenly crying in the toilet ~~

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