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However, Liao Er saw that the Soviet Union was going to fly away. Although he was surprised to die, he soon returned to God. How could he let the Soviet Union leave?

So, Liao Er hurriedly picked up the newsletter and sent the news to Leng Xiao.

Cold Xiao brow wrinkled greatly: "What do you say? She has a metal aircraft?"

Such a high-end thing, how did the stinky girl get it? Not even he did, and as far as he knows, the top three of the Dragon List may not have metal aircraft!

Liao Er spread his hands, how could he know?

"Does the Soviet Union really have a very strong background? Boss, if so..." Liao Er opened his mouth.

"If this is the case, it is even more important that God will kill her without knowing it, so as not to suffer from it!" The voice of Leng Xiao is extremely determined! Because he is very down, it is already a deadly enemy!

"And!" Leng Xiao soon flashed a glimmer of light, but said with a grin, "Is she not lucky? It must be a lottery!"

As soon as he mentioned the lucky draw, Leng Xiao felt a sigh of relief in his chest, and his chest was faint and painful.

"Now, order you, push her into the sunset forest, absolutely can not let her go to the upper reaches of the mountain!" Leng Xiao knows that as long as the tiger goes back to the mountain, it is difficult to go to the sky afterwards.

"Yeah!" Liao Er nodded and nodded seriously. "The boss is relieved, the metal boat's defense is not strong, you are waiting to be optimistic!"

After listening to Liao Er’s words, the cold Xiao mouth sneered a sneer. Stinky girl wants to escape? Ha ha! This is the reality, when it is killed, it is really dead, see how she escaped his net.

The map of the sunset forest is not familiar with the first time, but they are all in the middle of the day, almost closed their eyes can come out, so as long as the Soviets are forced into the sunset, do not need him to do it, those Warcraft Can be swallowed and peeled off her, even if there is an accident, he still has more than a dozen men, this time the Soviets absolutely can not run!

Leng Xiao's unprecedented self-confidence, rushed to the sunset forest.

At this time, Su Luo and the stupid big sister are sitting on the metal aircraft to leave, but the metal aircraft has just risen, and the Soviet Union feels that a danger is approaching.


A strong hurricane slammed on the metal aircraft, and turned its east to the west, almost planting it.

Su Brow brows slightly.

This metal aircraft is good at speed, but it is really unsatisfactory in defense.

She finally stabilized the aircraft, and the other side was surrounded by a metal blade surrounded by a wind blade, which was continuously strangled, and the sound of the sound was completely unconscious!

Su Brow's brow wrinkled, she calculated, if this continues, the metal aircraft will be cut off by the wind blade in half an hour, which is not what she is willing to see.

Su Luoming knew that the other party was forcing her to go down to the metal aircraft, but she still had to go down with a stupid big sister. This is a conspiracy.

Not waiting for two people to walk out of the metal aircraft, but also a wind and thunder to the metal aircraft.

The stupid big sister didn't check for a moment, standing unsteadily, and suddenly hit the wall, and the forehead had a big bag.

Immediately, the stupid big sister was angry!

She rushed out with a big stick and yelled out in an angry voice: "Who is looking for a fight? Give the grandmother a stand out!"

However, Liao Eryi saw the stupid big sister rushing out, turned and ran to the sunset forest!

If Liao Er does not run, then she will be suffocated by the stupid big sister, but the problem is that Liao Er’s run, the stupid big sister who can’t get out of breath suddenly comes to her heart, and she’s a big stick to the front: “ Where is the enchanting, I dare to provoke me, look at the move!"

The stupid big sister rushed away, and Su wanted to hold her, but she didn't even pull her clothes, and she watched her run away.

Su Luo looked at the sunset forest, his eyes were deeply wrinkled, and when he couldn’t think too much, he could only catch up with the stupid big sister.

The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall. He knows that there is danger in the forest. He can avoid it with the character of the Soviet Union. But now the silly big sister has already rushed in, and the second is to go to the upper mountain, here. It is the only way to go.

Metallic aircraft can't fly, they can only go from land.

Su Luo looked at the gloomy jungle, and the twilight faded... The sixth sense told her that Lin was afraid that there were countless dangers waiting for her.

Liao Er’s action is very fast.

Taking advantage of the familiarity of the terrain, he can make the stupid sister closely follow him, but not let her catch up. At the same time, he was able to report to Leng Xiao while he was running.

"Boss boss, the front is coming to the nest soon!" Liao Er's voice has a hidden ecstasy.

Ant nests, as the name implies, are the nests of ants. There are millions of bee ants in the nest, and these bee ants occupy the number. In the sunset, they are unscrupulous in the sunset forest. Even if it is cold, it is avoided.

"Good! Good! Ant nest! Hahaha!" Leng Xiao heard the news and suddenly felt very good.

At this time, the bee ants gather in the nest to rest. If someone dares to bother, it is sure to die. Liao Er is good, knowing that he is alone, he has set such a plan.

"Boss, small must help you kill the stinky scorpion, help you out this bad breath!" Liao Erzhen will be crispy on the chest, a face of the excited expression of the confidant!

"Yes, let's go! Be sure to lose it!" Cold and sullen, serious.

Putting down the communication, Liao Erhui looked back and looked at the stupid big sister who was chasing him. The mouth was floating and sneer, and his heart was dark: Idiot, I don’t know how to keep up, see how you die this time! ! !

Liao Er hides and hides, flying in general, the stupid big sister is behind, roaring and accelerating, but because the terrain is not familiar with Liao, the speed is not close.

If I want to go to the upper reaches of the mountain, I must cross the sunset forest that has been piled up in this million mountains. Liao Er’s direction of action is consistent with the direction of Su’s heart, so she did not deliberately stop the stupid sister.

After half an hour, Liao Er mouth suddenly screamed a strange sneer, then he flashed his body and quickly smashed a thousand-year-old tree to quickly hide his figure.

Soon, the stupid big sister chased, but the original place has lost the figure of Liao Er, how can I find it.

The stupid big sister had a sigh of relief. With this step of chasing and rushing, the tone became more and more suffocating. When she was venting, she found that Liao Er was gone. This made her anger worthy again. It’s all blown up.

"Bastard! Get out of the grandmother!" Silly big sister yelled with a big stick.

Liao Er on the tree is happy and crazy! The corner of the mouth cracked back, almost to the root of the ear. He clenched his fist and encouraged the stupid big sister in his heart: scream, and yell loudly, and let the hive all come out!

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