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"Yeah, I didn't tell you, you don't believe it." Sushen shrugged.

"Take me a look." Li was one with one hand and the other hand extended to the Soviet Union.

Su Luo looked at Li’s eyes with an idiot’s gaze and turned and left.

"Hey, you stand!" Li screamed and screamed at Su's death. "What is your attitude?! Isn't it just to take a look at your diamond card, what's so great?"

"The diamond card of the city master, this is not a great thing, what is great?" Su Luo played with a diamond card, his eyes squatted, and he was even more screaming than the fox. "So precious baby, did not ask you to kneel down." Please be nice."

"You!" Li sighed with a sigh of relief and turned away! If you don't see it, you can't! Anyway, it is fake! fake!

Regardless of the attitude of Li Manman, Su Luo is still a super-small cloud that is not worthy of his own sorrow. It is this detachment that has led the big-eyed brothers to give thumbs up countless times.

I have been away for three days.

The big-eyed brother looked at the map and his brow was deeply wrinkled.

"Five kilometers ahead, will enter the Nether White Tiger, the strength of the White Tiger King is not strong, the rest of the Nether White Tiger, the number is also quite a lot, we only have five, 呃, four people, it is difficult to deal with." The captain's eyes flashed a worry, "But there is the only way to go to the cliffs of the East, so we have to go from here. But everyone should try to lighten their feet, and if they can not alarm them, they should never be alarmed."

Li long stunned the Soviet Union. "We don't care. She is poor, and she runs slow. Maybe she will be entangled in the white tiger. I can't run, maybe it will hurt us all." If you know, throw her in the castle."

Therefore, everyone discussed it, and Tian Hao protected the Soviet Union, and the remaining three were randomly adapted.

The forest is dark.

The eyes are dark.

Within a hundred miles of this circle, it is the site of the Nether White Tiger.


An earth-shattering roar rushed out of the forest, and the birds in the forest were stunned by a group of birds, and the birds and beasts were all around.

The big-eyed brother's face changed slightly, and his look was restless: "Not good, I met the Nether White Tiger team!"

Most of the Nether White Tigers are acting alone on weekdays. As is the case with today's team, there are very few cases. This is also their bad luck, just caught up.

"Run! Run and run!" The big-eyed brother yelled and then led the entire team to run.

As if it were an enemy, the atmosphere of the entire team was tense.

Just as everyone rushed forward, Sue’s mouth was with a smile, and she turned her back to the Nether White Tiger team!

There are seven Nether White Tigers there!

The big-eyed brothers ran fast, but they had already ran five kilometers in a blink of an eye, but at this time Li was screaming.

"Not good! The stinky girl was lost!" Li Manman couldn't see the Soviet Union when he looked left and right, and he was very anxious.

The big-eyed brother looked at it, sure enough!

The eyes of the three people were all concentrated on Tian Hao, and the stabbing Tian Hao was uncomfortable. He was bent and said, "I remember that I ran the **** and ran..."

Everyone looked at the right hand of Tian Hao -

At this moment, he is squatting with the baggage that Sue has been carrying behind him!

"You!!!" Li was so mad that he was so mad that he couldn’t speak when he pointed to Tian, ​​and she ran back without saying anything!

Su is not enough to die, but when she died, Luo brothers will be lost to the worry-free fairy, this is absolutely impossible.

Li Man’s fast running is faster than his previous escape from the Nether White Tiger.

When the big-eyed brother saw Li Yan in the blink of an eye, he went back and thought of the embarrassment of Luo Shixiong. He said nothing, but he only said: "I will go, you are free!"

Then I followed back and flew back.

Going back, it is very likely that he is dead. He can't make this decision for the brothers. He can only make decisions for himself.

Xu Yin silently followed the big-eyed brother.

Tian Hao glanced angrily at the bag and angrily carried the bag on his back, and then quickly ran back.

But when he ran over, he saw that the few people were all standing in the same place, so Tian Hao was very puzzled and scratched his head: "Why are you standing by the thunder? Why are you standing? Don't you go up and fight?"

Li Manny turned back and looked at Tian Hao. The unbelievable eyes in the eyes had not turned back, and then she turned back silently, and her eyes fell on the Soviet Union.

Her finger pointed to the fall, and the rest of the sentence did not say.

At this point, the field almost became a performance of a single person.

I saw her goose yellow blouse flying like a butterfly in the white tiger of the Nether, and the remnants of the shadows, the speed of the real body can hardly be captured with the naked eye.

I saw her in the hands of a shadow sword, a direct arc, the elbows from low to high, the fierce and secluded white tiger is like standing waiting for her slaughter, the neck is **** And out.

Su Luo seems to have long expected that blood will be mad, so she is short, and a glimpse of this secluded white tiger, and when she just rolled over, this secluded white tiger crashed to the ground and died.

Su Luo turned up and shunned, avoiding the attack of the second Nether White Tiger. At the same time, he turned around in the air, and the sword in his hand stabbed the third white tiger who was screaming and screaming!

How sharp is the shadow sword, from the throat to the heart, the shadow sword directly runs through this ghost white tiger!

Poor third Nether White Tiger, it’s not finished yet, but it’s finished playing...

At the same time, Su Luo's petite body was turned in midair, avoiding the attack of the second Nether White Tiger, and then rushed to the fourth.

When the fourth Nether White Tiger attacked the Soviet Union, in an instant, the Soviet Union’s a telescopic figure disappeared, so the poor fourth Nether White Tiger and the second Nether White Tiger


A loud noise, the two white tigers that made the milk out of their hands, almost shattered each other's heads.

Just when they were dizzy and their eyes were mosquito-repellent, the Soviet Union had already flew away, and the hands were falling, and two consecutive white tigers were left under her shadow sword!

There are still four Nether White Tigers left!

At this time, the fall of the Soviet Union is fighting.

I saw her rushing forward directly!

Four Nether White Tigers also rushed toward the Soviet Union with anger!

Just a few feet away, the shape of the Soviet Union disappeared again. When it appeared again, her back fell to the ground and squatted under one of the Nether White Tigers.


The shadow sword can't be displayed, and the Soviet Union has already changed the Chinese decapitation.

Yan Huayin first poured the fire of the fallen red lotus. At this time, the two are one and the power is endless. I saw the Soviet Union slashing toward the belly from the chest of the secluded white tiger!

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