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Li Manman said that he was going to run away.

But at this time, the falling diamonds suddenly flashed a bright light.

When Su Luo grabbed the drill card and looked at it, it was a bit dumbfounded.

"Wait." She called Li Longman.

“What?” Li Manman rushed to the office with impatience. “Now it’s burning your eyebrows. Are you still so calm? It’s really the emperor’s urgency!”

"Points...have it." Su Luo shook and made money. "I don't know who sponsored a point."

"Sponsorship? How much can it be? Is it a glass of water?" Li long slammed the Soviet Union and his tone was not good.

"If it is 10 million... points?" Su Luo looked at her with a smile, throwing her diamond card up and down.

"10 million points!!!" Li Manman's whole person is going crazy, looking at the idiots with the same look, she is not believe it anyway! But seeing Su's so confident, she came suspiciously.

The Soviet Union will display the number of points in the white diamond.

"Hey--" Li Longman took a breath!

A lot of 0.

Countless 0s, I can see that Li is dizzy and countless. After waiting for her countless times, after finally confirming, she looked up and looked at Su Luo in a stupid way, gnashing her teeth: "You, no, yes, say, more than ten thousand points?!"

Sushen shrugged: "I said that someone just sponsored it."

"When are you all idiots? That's 10 million points, tens of millions!" Li Manman sold so many points that he couldn't make up.

"Who is stupid, will send you so much..." Suddenly, Li long covered his mouth and looked around with his eyes.

I was able to take such a large amount of points at once, and then I gave it away. The whole genius training camp could not find a few people. However, there is really one in the castle now...

"Isn't it... Luo brother?" Li long asked sillyly.

Sushen shrugs: "It is possible."

It is not possible. In fact, the heart of Su Luo is absolutely certain. It is absolutely undoubtedly the brother of Luo, because in addition to him, there is no other backing.

Li Manman was shocked to see the so-called Drilling Card, and the 10 million points were really shocking to her.

"Right, what is good in the gravity room?" After getting the points, the bottom of the Soviet Union is enough. As for the lack of Luo, the sputum, anyway, owe so much, and wait for Nangong Liuyun to come back and call him okay, Suo Xin thought so.

"Gravity room is of course good!" Li long went back to God and began to explain with Su Luo. "Gravity room, the outside world, but in the gravity room, it can be equivalent to one hundred days! You said, If you don't go in, after a month, you only practiced for 30 days, but Lan Yingyan has cultivated for 3,000 days! How do you compare him!!!"

Su Luo took a breath of air.

Her space is one to ten. She thought it was amazing, but she didn't expect the gravity room to be 1 to 100.

Indeed, as Li said, if Blue Shadow can stay in the gravity room for 3,000 days, then when he comes out, he can't beat him.

"I told you that the gravity chamber not only has such magical effects in time, but also the most attractive is the heavy pressure! Otherwise it will not be called the gravity chamber instead of the time room." Li long smugly slammed into the Soviet Union Science, "In the gravity room, the heavy pressure can be adjusted, from one to one hundred times! As long as you have the ability, adjust to a hundred times."

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