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If the worry-free fairy says that the value is not enough, then the shield was solved from the worry-free fairy, and you are not worthy of your worth?

If it is said that this shield can be used as a bet, the worry-free fairy is really wrong. Because this is equivalent to her gambling with her own things, winning can not win anything, and losing even the seven stars to lose.

I didn’t expect this stinking skull to be so embarrassing!

"This shield is originally worry-free. It was picked up by you. You should return to the original owner. How can you do it for yourself?" Lin half frowned, and the schoolmaster’s head reprimanded the Soviet Union.

He opened a good mouth, so the men followed the reprimands.

"You don't know how to pick up the gold!"

"We don't dare to worry about the fairy's things? Don't you kill?"

"If you want to die, just say, don't be so reserved!"

Su Luo indifferently evoked the lips: "Is this shield a worry-free fairy? Then please worry-free fairy to call it away."

Su Luo is completely casual, seeing if you have the random appearance of the summoning.

The worry-free fairy is mad!

At that time, she lifted the blood contract and gave the shadow shield to Lan Yingyan. How do she call her now?

Looking at the worry-free fairy suffocating, Su Luo smiled coldly: "Is this shield worry-free fairy not given to Blue Shadow Yan? Under the eyes of the public, the worry-free fairy can not be denied?"

"Blue Shadow is my person!" The worry-free fairy said nothing.

"No, on the contrary, the life of Lan Yingyan is mine." Su Xiao smiles lightly, "The life and death stage is determined to die, so I took his life, do not take any responsibility, worry-free fairy, are you right?" ”

This is... right, or not... Although the worry-free fairy is very unwilling, she can’t tell where he is wrong.

"Since the life of Lan Yingyan is mine, then the same reason can be proved, this shadowless shield is naturally my own, what are the disagreements?" The indifferent eyes of the Soviet Union glance around.

There is silence around.

Worry-free fairy has not died before the start of the game, has not lost the gamble, it has lost a half.

"Don't dare to gamble?" Su Luo used a radical approach to the worry-free fairy, but she was sure to win the seven stars.

The worry-free fairy sneered: "You dare, why didn't the fairy dare? Bet!"

In fact, she is sulking in her heart! Because even if it wins, that is her thing!

And she also knows that Su Luo took out this shield, not only to use her as simple as her. The words of Su Luo just said that it was clear and plain, and she died on the stage of life and death. She took the life of Lan Yingyan without paying any price.

Her words are only for everyone, even the eight elders.

Telling this thing clearly and clearly, even if the eight elders want to do their best, they must also measure the amount.

The worry-free fairy looked at the gaze of the Soviet Union. Originally thought to be a weak cockroach ant, but who knows that it is a bee stinging a bee, but let her eat the loss of the Soviet Union, it is abhorrent.

So the worry-free fairy made up her mind, and then she gave a good lesson to the scent of the slut, let her marry her worry-free fairy.

Under the eyes of the public, there is no need to find a witness specifically, so the two sides agreed.

At this time, the eight elders finally came late.

When the eight elders saw that the people had arrived, they had no nonsense. They said directly: "See these targets placed in the shape of the figure? You have to do it very simply, that is, to wear a target."

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