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As soon as I saw this, the smile at the bottom of the worry-free fairy was even more ironic.

Li Mann Lala’s sleeves and whispered, “It’s really hard... the target can’t be worn, you should be careful.”

Su Luo smiled and nodded.

At this time, the whole class has been tested, and only one person is left.

The test scores have come out, the first place is no doubt a worry-free fairy, as for the second place, the gap with the worry-free fairy is not big.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are concentrated on the Soviet Union.

"It seems that this first place is a worry-free fairy. The first place is to enjoy the privilege."

"There is no such thing as a Soviet Union. What are you worried about?"

"I don't need to compare, is this still used? The worry-free fairy is the first in the class."

"That is, that is the fall, although it is not bad, but how can it compare with the worry-free fairy? I predict that she can have a maximum of twenty target eyes."

"I look at her slightly more than you, and predict her, up to thirty targets."

"Cut, thirty? How is it possible!"

Almost everyone believes that no one can surpass the achievements of the worry-free fairy, and her chief status, no one can shake.

In the case that everyone is not optimistic, the Soviet Union slowly walked over and set it there.

She didn't immediately shoot, but her brow was deep and her eyes were coldly staring at the target in front.

Su Luo is very confident in the energy of the fallen red lotus, so the first difficulty that everyone encountered is not in her opinion. The problem she is facing now is how to calculate the human figure from beginning to end. The way to the end.

Sue sighed in the heart, but unfortunately, she has not yet merged with the wisdom skull, otherwise it should be able to calculate it.

Su Luo stood in front of the target, his eyes looked straight ahead, and the body stood mechanically stiffly, looking like a soul. In fact, the Soviet Union is really a soul, because at this moment her soul has already flown into the space, and the black communication is used to dial the Nangong Liuyun.

She can only count to 65 target eyes, so although she can win the worry-free fairy, but the win is not good enough.

When Su Luo and Nan Gong Liu Yun talk in the space, these people outside the stadium can all stare at the Soviet Union.

"How does she stand like a stake? Wouldn't it be stupid?"

"This is time-limited and limited to a scent."

"This column of incense has burned in half, and the Soviet Union is still stupidly standing? Is she going to automatically admit defeat?"

The worry-free fairy looks like a Soviet, and he is very proud. The chin is lifted high, and the eyes of the Soviet Union are full of disdain: "Oh, fight with me? See how you die this time!"

In the eyes of the public, the Soviet Union was indifferent, and Li, who was around her, was anxiously sweating, reaching out and pulling down the Soviet Union.

At this time, the face of the eight elders has been difficult to read, and the eyes are deep and deep, like the bottom of the sea.

Just when the incense was burned to two-thirds, the call between Su Luo and Nan Gong Liu Yun was finally over.

Nangong Liuyun is not a problem of Nangong Liuyun, which plagues the Soviet Union. He only thought about the correct way to calculate the correct route in a moment, and the shocked Su Luo continued to admire.

"His brain is turning faster than the computer, no wonder so black!" Su Luo whispered out of space.

She looked up -

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