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"It turned out that Su Luo lost, but did not expect her to hide such a good hand, maybe it can really turn over!"

"Don't tell, look at the face of the worry-free fairy..."

At this time, many people did not dare to look at the face of the worry-free fairy, and secretly smacked with the corners of their eyes. Worry-free fairy, why not know? Because she knew, she knew that she had been jokes, and the anger in her heart suddenly rose like a flame.

The worry-free fairy stared at the Soviet Union and looked at the beautiful back of the Soviet Union. She couldn't wait to poke her through the eyes!

In the middle of the forest, I saw the worry-free fairy fist clenched, my face was twisted and twisted, my heart was tight, and I was busy and comforted: "The pillars are burning and burning."

The meaning of the words, the Soviet Union still can not win.

The worry-free fairy's gaze turned to the burning of only a quarter of the incense, and look at the flying flames in the hands of Su Luo, the brows still frown!

This skunk was really good, but in the blink of an eye, the flame went forward with five target eyes.

"How many?" Worry-free fairy eyebrows deep lock.

"Thirty-nine..." Yan Wei has been counting, so Zhangkou will answer.

"Hey!" The cup in the hands of the worry-free fairy was crushed by her!

How long has this been? Just a moment's effort, the flame of the Soviet Union went to the position of thirty-nine? And the worry-free fairy also found that the direction of the Soviet flame was very different from her, and the Soviet Union started from the tip of the right finger.

"No, let's go on like this, no!" The worry-free fairy said with a grin and a deep jealousy at the same time!

She has always placed Su Luo in a position where she can be trampled to death. Even if the blue shadow inflammation is killed by the Soviet Union, she does not pay much attention to the fall, but at this moment, the worry-free fairy is really taboo!

Such a young, such talent, there is such a card! Worry-free fairy admits that if she is not a Soviet opponent at the same age, her only advantage now is that she has been practicing for more than a decade before the age of the Soviet Union.

Lin Banli looked at Su Luo at this time, and his eyes flashed a stunned color. He nodded. "Really, if you continue this way, the fragrance has not burned yet, and the flame of the Soviet Union may have reached the end."

The flame of the Soviet Union is terrible, but her precise computing power is also shocking!

Where did her flame go, there was not a leak, what did this mean? This shows that as long as the time is enough, it is very likely that the Soviet Union will finish the 76 target eyes! ! !

The worry-free fairy has gone 56, but if the Soviets go completely...

If time is enough... the premise here is time.

Yan Yan sees the worry-free fairy look ugly, his eyes flashed a touch of insidious color, sneer: "How can time be enough?"

After the words, his figure has disappeared in place.

As he spoke, the worry-free fairy was relieved, she understood Yan Yan’s attempt, and she felt that Yan Yan was doing very well.

Lin half a few hearts are annoyed. Such an opportunity to do things for the worry-free fairy, even let the silent Yan Yan give away, it is a pity.

At this point, almost the audience's gaze was watching the dragon-like flames in the colony, so no one noticed the incense that was about to burn.

A gust of wind suddenly rushed toward the incense.

"Not good! The incense is going to go out!" someone exclaimed.

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