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Look at the current Soviet Union, calm and relaxed, with a smile on his face, calm and calm, and the fairy bone looks like a fairy.

Where is the tiredness on her face? Not only is she not tired, but the gleaming dawn of her eyes is so excited!

Lying in the trough!

These powerful people who are able to make earthquakes on the mainland are now extremely shocked! Excited are almost swearing!

Yan Yan looked at the hand of Su Luo, his eyes straightened... He looked at the ghost with his eyes!

The taboo of the worry-free fairy has deepened a bit!

On the occasion of the shock of everyone, the Soviet Union has completed the fifth cyan jewel, and is busy with the sixth blue gem.

When the sixth piece was set, the Soviet Union realized the hotness in the eyes of everyone! She thought about it and suddenly thought of something. She really should not be too arrogant at this time, or should be based on Tibetan Mastiff.

Therefore, the flame in the hands of Su Luo suddenly shook!

The flame that had been burning brightly suddenly became weak, and finally there was only a small, small flame that was thinner than the fingers.

"Wow, this is a sign of energy exhaustion, and Su Luo finally can't keep going!"

"That's it, if it's really inlaid seven times in a row, then it's not a enchanting one?"

Yan Yan’s foot that had been stepped out of the way suddenly stopped. He turned his head and saw the burning color on the face of Su’s face. He suddenly went crazy: “Ha ha ha, the flame is going to be extinguished! Seven, not afraid of the cowhide blown!"

The uncomfortable fairy's original tight face was also relieved at this moment. She took a long sigh of relief, and then changed the Queen's hegemonic momentum, disdainfully picky and sloping, and the eyes were full of contempt.

However, at this moment -

I saw Su Luo took a deep breath and shouted in the mouth: "Get up!"

Then, the flame that was already close to extinction began to grow bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye... Although it did not return to the peak of the previous moment, it was not extinguished in a moment.

The worry-free fairy suddenly sighed in the throat, and couldn’t keep up, and she licked her face!

In her heart, she has already cursed the 18th generation of the ancestors of the ancestors for thousands of times!

For everything that happened in front of him, although the Soviet Union did not look up, but the heart has long known that it is clear. Her sly bottom, a slap in the face of a sly smile.

With the efforts of the Soviet Union, the sixth gemstone was inlaid.

Only the seventh one is left!

The seventh purple gemstone is obviously larger than the other six, and it is twice as big!

Su Luo picked up the gems and glanced at Yan Yan with a contemptuous look. "Those targets should be fried, or steamed. Now you can think about it."

In contact with the eyes of the Soviet Union, Yan Yan only felt a cold heart, then looked up at the 72 targets... Yan Yan’s tears really flowed down...

Su Luomo looked at the big jewel, and smiled in the middle, but his heart was thinking fast.

If she really puts the seventh jewel inlaid, will it be too much? Will you let everyone suspect that she really has a different fire?

Even if everyone didn't have such doubts at first, then if the worry-free fairy wants to kill her, deliberately publicize it? When everyone thinks about this scene, isn't it a powerful testimony?

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