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The worry-free fairy's forehead blue-eared bulge suddenly screams, and the nostrils are about to smoke! Install, still install, continue to install! ! ! Fairy worry in the minds of the Soviet Union rave fall, can not wait to beat her meal.

At this time, the eight elders came out and informed: "After an hour, the third lesson begins."

Lesson Three?

Actually, there is really a third lesson!

Everyone looked at the worry-free fairy, and then looked at Su Luo with a strange look, the smile at the bottom of the eye is self-evident.

The two classes in front of the worry-free fairy are humiliating in front of the Soviet Union. Where can they swallow this breath? Then in the third class, there is a good show to see ~~

Everyone’s heart is full of expectations.

After hearing the third lesson, the worry-free fairy will be in a good mood, and the eyebrows will look like flying, and watching the eyes of the Soviet Union is even more unspeakable.

Li has been careful and careful about Suluo: "In the third quarter, it is generally a practice battle. You must be careful."

After all, there is no worry about the fairy, the light can be a fairy, the ten can be destroyed.

It seems that I don’t mind if I smile on the surface of the Soviet Union.

But who did not know, including the Susie himself and the worry-free fairy, no one knows that for Susuo, the most dangerous person is not a worry-free fairy, but...

The practical lessons in the third quarter are in the magical domain.

Just about 5,000 kilometers north of the genius training camp.

The flames of the mountains are endless, and it is said that there are 9.6 million square kilometers. The mountain of light is as large as the Chinese territory where the Soviet Union was.

The eight elders stood at the forefront, and his indifferent eyes glanced around: "From the south entrance, to the north exit, the rules are simple, there is no rule, just live alive."

"There is a small black house in the flame demon domain. There is a flag inside. Only after you find this flag, you can go out because this flag is the key to open the north gate."

The eight elders swept away their worries and added one more sentence: "Remember, any grievances in the genius training camp can be solved on the battle platform of life and death. If you kill each other in private, you will always be expelled from the Dragon List!"

The phrase of the Eight Elders is obviously a partiality to the Soviet Union.

Su Luo was a little bit stunned, her brows were deep and locked, and I couldn’t guess what medicine the eight elders were selling in the gourd.

The worry-free fairy sees the eight elders solemnly reminding, the heart is secretly angry, and the eyes are scratching the Soviet Union.

Su Luo smiled at her, smiled like a cherry blossom, revealing two rows of white teeth.

Worrying fairy is even more angry!

The eyes of the eight elders stayed on the Su Luo for a moment, and the bottom of the eaves was as deep as the sea, unpredictable, and when the Soviet Union fell into disrepair, the figure of the Eight Elders disappeared.

Su Lu’s brows were deeply wrinkled, and there was a bad feeling in the embarrassment. What did the Eight Elders want to do...

I don’t wait for Su’s to understand, and the worry-free fairy will sneer at Su’s: “The flames are very dangerous. If you are not afraid of death, just follow them!”

Subsequently, the worry-free fairy took her group of small followers, and triumphantly opened the way ahead.

"Let's go." Su Luo and Li Mann followed the team and slowly entered the flame domain from the south gate.

The flame demon domain is simply a world of flames, with raging flames everywhere.

The river of flames, the rocks of flames, and even the various kinds of Warcraft formed by flames.

After entering the flame demon domain, because the eight elders are not there, the worry-free fairy has become the squad leader's role. She naturally orders him: "Moze, you bring five people to clean up the flames of Warcraft; Xiao Yun, you bring five people to search Little black house; Xiao Yu..."

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