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Subsequently, the figure of the eight elders quickly disappeared in place, because he still has a very important thing to do.

The Soviet Union was aware of the danger, but there was no danger that it was so close to her.

Unconsciously, the people have been in the flames of the magic field for several days. As they get closer to the core of the flame cave, the flames of Warcraft are more and more, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the battle is getting harder and harder.

Suddenly, I don’t know who shouted.

"There is a little black spot there, it won't be the little black house we are looking for?"

The task set by the Eight Elders is to find the little black house. After getting the banner, you can go back with the token.

"Go! Look at the past!" The worry-free fairy flashed a glimmer of excitement, and she couldn't wait to pick up the speed and flew away.

As soon as the worry-free fairy flies past, everyone will not hesitate to rush.

The distance of ten kilometers seems to be very far, but for these strong people it is only a matter of minutes.

Soon, they saw a dark black house standing in front of everyone.

Sure enough, it is a small black house.

The house is not tall. I saw that there was only one floor at the time, and it was square, and stood there in a proper manner.

"No worries, we have looked for it. There is only one small black house within a thousand miles. If you want to come to the Eight Elders, the gossip should be inside." Moze said to the worry-free fairy.

"It should be." The worry-free fairy looked at the map in his hand, and then compared the position at the moment, nodded.

Worry-free fairy, but know that in addition to the door flag, there will still be a treasure chest, as for whether it is a baby, it depends on luck.

"You are waiting outside, I am going in alone." The worry-free fairy told him to finish, and he wanted to go.

At this time, Li Longman suddenly courageously shouted to the worry-free fairy: "Wait!"

The worry-free fairy's indifferent eyes shot at her. However, Li has been standing upright for a while, stepping forward: "You can't go!"

"Hey, is a countdown little girl dare to swear to me?" The unhappiness in the eyes of the worry-free fairy does not hide. "In the past, every time this fairy went in, why can't I go this time?"

Li Manman clenched his fists and said: "According to the regulations, it is necessary to go to the little black house to be the best student in class. This is her privilege. You can't take this privilege!"

As soon as this was said, the brows of the worry-free fairy were deeply wrinkled, and the anger of the volcanic eruption surged in the eyes.

There is no such thing as a man who is not worried about the fairy. At this moment, Li has taken the lead, so this group of people followed.

"Li Long's words are not unreasonable. According to the rules that have been established in the future, it is indeed the best students in the class."

"And it should be that she led us out."

"Although the worry-free fairy is the first, but the best in the class is Su Luo, she has 72 targets."

"So the person who entered the dark house this time should be the Soviet Union."

Many people know that being able to enter the small black house is a preferential treatment. After entering, there will be a chance to touch the treasure chest. If you encounter a small red hand, it will not be impossible.

This is the reward for the best students in the class, which is already a customary rule.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are turned back and forth in the eyes of the worry-free fairy and the Su’s eyes, and even more good people are squatting, hoping that the two of them will pick up.

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