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"Hey, baby!" The worry-free fairy is in a hurry. She rummaged for a long time, and nothing happened. What is going on? !

At this moment, the shadow suddenly slammed into the back of the worry-free fairy!


The poor, worry-free fairy is bending over and licking her ass, and she will notice the danger behind her. The man squats and squats on the **** of the worryless fairy.

Then, the worry-free fairy suddenly got into the box with a head!

The worry-free fairy is about to roar, but the man has a fist to the chin of the worryless fairy, dislocated her chin, so that she can't open her voice.

In the dark, black as ink, zero visibility!

The worry-free fairy didn't know who the other person was. She wanted to anger, but she found that she couldn't say anything when she was dislocated!

The worry-free fairy subconsciously raised her hand to give her chin back, but she had not waited for her hand to touch the chin, but it was a crisp squeak!

The left and right hands of the worry-free fairy have been beaten again!

At this moment, the worry-free fairy really wants to cry and can't cry out!

Who is this person? How can strength be so strong? Worry-free fairy lifts his legs and goes to the lower body of the other half!

Because even in the dark, the worry-free fairy who has been tested by men directly smells the male scent of the other person. This is a man!

So, two people are smashing hands!

Poor, worry-free fairy, her strength is inferior, she was beaten by the other side's nose and face, complaining!

What she can do is to constantly emit flames!

But the strength of the other side is much stronger than her. In the battle, the flame soon burned the banner on the table!

Bright and light!

Everything is as clear as white!

When I saw the face of the worry-free fairy, the black man suddenly stopped, and the eyes flashed a bit of annoyance!

The worry-free fairy also saw the black man, but the black man had a black scarf on his face and a black hat on his head, but the eyes made her have an inexplicable familiarity, but she couldn’t remember it. Who.

As the other side squatted, the worry-free fairy quickly pushed his chin up and angered: "Who are you!"

The black man stared at the worry-free fairy, his eyes were in doubt, and more were annoyed.

"Say! Is the baby in the treasure chest stolen?!" The worry-free fairy roared angrily.

The black man took a look at the worry-free fairy and turned and left! It can be seen from the back that his current mood is very bad.

But the worry-free fairy is angry, but grab the other's arm: "Snake disease, say hit, hit and go! Let the baby come out!"

Black is very annoying! He turned back and glared at the careless fairy, clenching his fist.

The worry-free fairy is still there, but where does the black man have the patience to listen to her? I saw his arm lifted up, and a hand knife fell to the back of the worry-free fairy.

The worry-free fairy has wide eyes, looks at each other incredulously, and falls down softly...

"Hey!" The black man glanced at the worry-free fairy and then strode away.

The worry-free fairy has not come out for a long time.

There were a lot of people standing outside the little black house. They are now discussing with great interest the worry-free fairy who will bring out the baby this time.

"Do you still use guessing? It must be a good thing, maybe it is a secret."

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