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But Moze is very clear, if he dares not to give the face of a worry-free fairy, then the worry-free fairy will definitely not let him close to her bed again...

In desperation, Moser took out the intensive gems from the space storage bag, one by one, and distributed it to everyone, indicating the meaning of compensation.

Although everyone feels that it is not enough, it is not good to force anything at this time.

The most important question now is how to go the next way? The North Gate is already out!

At this time, the eight elders were late.

When I saw the Eight Elders, everyone suddenly had a heart and bones, and asked the elders what to do.

The look of the eight elders was very bad. The face was flat, the tiger eyes were cold, and the group of people were shot coldly. His eyes were sweeping through the worry-free fairy, his eyes were deep and complicated, and when he passed the Soviet Union, he flashed a few invisible eyes. Han Mang.

"I have to say that in this class, you all failed! The whole army was annihilated!" The eight elders were sensational.

Everyone is down with their heads to listen to the teachings!

"Do you know where the mistake is?" The voice of the eight elders implies anger!


After a moment of silence, some people weakly raised their hands: "We should not let the worry-free fairy go in, we should let the best Suo in the class go in..."

It’s really a cat that hits a dead mouse and guessed it to the classmate! The eight elders snorted and looked like a condensed frost: "You don't do things according to the rules, so that the defeat is impossible, and it is impossible to get out of the North Gate!"

"So, you can only think of it from the East Gate!" The eight elders glanced at the crowd. "This is going to the East Gate, and there are countless dangers. You are so self-sufficient!"

After that, the eight elders have a sleeve, turn and leave!

The worry-free fairy looked at the back of the eight elders with anger, and suddenly felt that his eyes were familiar, and he felt that his back was familiar, and there was an inspiration in his mind, but he could not catch it!

"No worries, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable?" Moser saw the worry-free fairy with his head in his head and asked with concern.

Worry-free brows deep lock: "I always feel that something very important is missing, I can't remember it!"

Mozawa advised: "In the inside, what happened to you?"

"I was attacked." No worries patted his head and sighed. "The black man..."

Suddenly, no worries in the brain, a heavy flash of light in the brain, and this aura was captured by her! In an instant, she turned pale and her body was crumbling!

"What's wrong?" Moser saw the worries of worry-free body and mind, and he was terrified, and he was a little panicked.

Worry-free fairy thinks of it now! She finally knows where the familiarity of the black man is coming!

The black man inside was covered in black cloth, and even his forehead was covered up, but there were countless men reading the man, and the man’s body was clearly distinguished. At this moment, she was almost certain that the man was the eight elders. !

Eight elders? ! How could it be him? Why did he ambush himself and attack himself? This... no worries, I feel that my head is big!

"No worries?" Mozawa was a little worried.

The worry-free fairy swings his hand: "Let me be alone."

The worry-free fairy thought that the eight elders were hiding in her and deliberately ambushed her. At this moment, she was scared to death, and where is the mood to take care of Moze?

On the way to the east afterwards, the worry-free fairy was quiet and rare, and it was rare that he did not run to stab the Soviet Union. This made the ears of Su Luo finally quiet for a while.

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