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In fact, it was buried in the ground and it seems that it has not been discovered.

Su Luo knows that with her possession of the fallen red lotus, the more magma is, the better it will be for her.

The number of teleports of the Soviet Union is not enough, and her speed slows down, but the true strength of the worry-free fairy is much stronger than that of the Soviet Union.

The worry-free fairy saw her closer to the Soviet Union, and her eyes flashed a strange sneer.

Her speed has been soaring to the highest, so she rushes up, and the distance from the Soviet Union is constantly getting closer, closer, and closer.

One hundred meters.

Fifty meters.

Thirty meters.

20 meters -

The smile of the eyes of the worry-free fairy is getting hotter and hotter, and the squatting of the corner of the mouth is invented. The sly and distorted face is a sneer.

The sword in the hands of the worry-free fairy is pulled out!

At this moment, she is going to use a long sword to run through the body of the Soviet Union and split her into two!

"Sue! Let's die!"

The worry-free fairy leaps high, the body strokes a fierce arc in the air, and the cold sword in the hand squats down from the height!

The thunderous momentum, if it is being shackled, will really die!

It takes an hour for the teleport to be used again. What about the fall at this moment, besides slaughtering? The face of the worry-free fairy is a sneer.

Just in time for this millennium!

I saw that there was a pair of hot wheels on the legs of Su Luo!

Just as the sword in the hands of the worry-free fairy is under the guise -


A clear sound sounded, and the image of the body of the Soviet Union was pulled away by a hand, leaving only a blue smoke...

How can the sword in the hands of the worry-free fairy be recovered? At this point her sword's strength slammed down!

"Booming -"

A loud noise.

The Sulu and the worry-free fairy are chasing on the mountain at this moment, so the worry-free fairy sword is directly on the mountain!

After the loud noise, this erect mountain was instantly shaken by her sword!

The cross section is neat and smooth, and it is finer than tofu.

The worry-free fairy was too hard to shake her own cockroaches, and she was exhausted.

At this time, she was almost angry to jump!

"Is the stinky head a rat? Is there a nine-story life? How can it not kill!" The worry-free fairy is in a hurry, waving a cold sword and catching up quickly.

Because of the previous delay, this time the worry-free fairy took half a hour to catch up with the fall.

The Su Luo was easy to save because of the hot wheels on the way.

The front has been faintly able to see the dragon and nine!

A flash of light flashed through the Sulu, and quickly flew away there.

Worry-free fairy sees, sneer again and again: "Smelly girl, this time you see where you run!"

The worry-free fairy and the Soviet Union are already very close, and she is behind the Soviet Union!

The Soviet Union can't hide.

However, she still sneered: "It's good!"

Then, through the wind of the worry-free fairy, Su Luo squatted to the Longteng Jiuyi Mountain Range!

A rumbling bang, the front disappeared the trace of the Soviet Union.

The worry-free fairy lungs will be blown up by the Soviet Union!

She saw a huge cave in front of it, which apparently existed in itself, but was deliberately sealed.

However, Su Luo was so stunned by her that she actually pulled out the door.

The darkness of the cave is like the night, but the hotness of the face makes the worry-free fairy understand that the situation inside is only unusual.

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