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"How long can you stay this time?" Su Luo took his hand and looked up at the small face of the palm of his hand. The **** and white eyes were clearly telling.

This pitiful little expression suddenly delighted Nangong Liuyun.

He leaned over her lips and scorned like water, gentle and gentle, and extremely pitiful.

"Is it going to go soon?"

Sometimes she hates why she is so smart. Because she did not answer the answer from Nangong Liuyun, she saw a clue, and her sixth sense was always accurate.

"Just think of me?" Nangong Liu Yun smiled and squeezed the white cheeks.

He came out with the team to do the task. After receiving the call from Su Luo, he almost never scared him to stop beating.

At that time, he took a small trick, got out of the squad, and flew to save the Soviet Union. Fortunately, he gave the Soviet Union's black communication 有 a special power set by him to accurately locate the location of the Soviet Union.

In the face of the laughter of Nangong Liuyun, Su Luo snorted and went away.

"Okay, okay, I miss you, I think you are going to do it." Nangong Liuyun tempered his face with Su's face.

This man who is overbearing to the eternal demise of the eight elders is so unpredictable and cruel in the eyes of outsiders, but in the face of the Soviet Union, he has a good temper to completely temper, and she is very loyal to her.

"It was just that you missed me, I didn't think about you." Sue got cheap and sold.

Nangong Liuyun laughed again and again, and finally could only help but pity and laugh at her head.

"You have suffered these days." Nangong Liuyun squinted at the Soviet Union, and his eyes were extremely pity.

In such a short period of time, she was promoted to the holy two stars, and he was somewhat unbelievable when he was promoted fast.

"That's because you are not with me!" Su Luo smiled reluctantly. "In other words, I don't need you at all?"

If this is the case, Nangong Liuyun does not like to listen.

He poked the cheeks on his face: "You don't need me. It's not the soul of the eight elders, but ah?"

Su spit out his tongue and immediately saw the wind and rudder: "It is obvious that you are still a little useful."

Nangong Liuyun was laughed at by her, and suddenly he overbearingly put Su Luo back in his arms: "This girl has a hard mouth and needs to take a good look!"

Just as Nangong Liuyun had to drive his welfare, Su Luo grabbed his lip and sneered twice: "My little fox is still not saved."

Nangong Liuyun took the request of the Soviet Union: "I am going to go~~~"

"Then it is better to save my little fox soon. If you leave me alone, you can't do it." Su’s face looked serious.

Nangong Liuyun complained: "Isn't it just a little fox? Looking back, I will capture ten of them for eight? Is it good? There are many times to save it."

"No!" The Soviet Union was extremely determined. "It is my little friend, my family, who died to save me!"

"Well, I am afraid of you." Seeing Su’s seriousness, Nangong Liuyun surrendered.

Originally, he still wanted to keep up with the Soviet Union, but the **** little fox, **** it!

"However, you can't save this fox." Nangong Liu Yun took the Soviet side and walked, and said slowly.

Su Luo suddenly froze and suddenly looked up: "You didn't just say..."

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