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Walk around!

Hurry and run the Eight Elders!

Su Luo’s heart screamed and his feet were more rapid. He flew past the eight elders, like a cannonball.

The worry-free fairy didn't know that it was purposeful for Su Luo to run in that direction. She was still chasing after her.

Soon, there was a figure in front, and it was eight elders.

The eight elders were on the rocks, blood was hanging from the corners of their mouths, and their eyebrows and other hairs had all burned.

When she saw the eight elders, Su Luo stopped. She turned to look at the worry-free fairy, and her eyes were smiling.

The worry-free fairy saw the Sulu stop and suddenly sneered: "How did you stop? Don't run? Are you not running fast?"

"Don't run, don't run." Su Luo even waved his hand, and naturally sat next to the Eight Elders, took out the bottle and drank water.

The worry-free fairy was suddenly laughed at by the Soviet Union!

She has never seen anyone being chased and killed, so leisurely, the leisurely look of the Soviet Union, so that the worry-free fairy is speechless.

"Get up and die." The worry-free fairy made a gesture to the Soviet Union.

Who knows that Su Luo has waved his hand, and then she pokes the eight elders who are unconscious: "Wake up, wake up, fight."

The worry-free fairy suddenly opened his eyes!

At this moment, she finally recognized that the person who was burned into a group of black lacquer black was actually an eight elder!

The worry-free fairy is shocked and stunned: "Eight, eight elders?"

Su Luo smirked his eyebrows and spread his hands with his hands. He said: "Isn't that awkward? Are you fighting? Do you want to fight with the Eight Elders?"

The worry-free fairy is stunned by the Soviet Union: "Nonsense!"

She is too lazy to talk nonsense with the Soviet Union, and she will rush to it.

When Su Luo saw the machine, he hid behind the eight elders. The worry-free fairy was unable to hold the wind. "嘭-" sounded, and it was actually printed on the chest of the eight elders!

Under the palm of the worry-free fairy, the eight elders who were unconscious and awake turned away. He opened his eyes and confronted the complicated eyes of the worry-free fairy.

The eight elders had a deep brow and seemed to have some memories in his mind. He felt a terrible headache.

"You... beat me?" The eight elders looked up and stared at the worry-free fairy.

There is a hint of uneasiness in the heart of the worry-free fairy.

She felt that the eight elders seemed to have something different, which made her feel overwhelmed.

The worry-free fairy instantly remembered what she had done to her in the little black house eight elders... Her footsteps began to recede slowly.

However, her mouth constantly explained: "You have misunderstood the eight elders, I want to kill the Soviet Union, not you..."

The worry-free fairy face is accompanied by a smile, but it is still forced to step back and retreat.

"You want to kill!" Eight elders burst into a cold light!

Although the worry-free fairy does not understand why the Eight Elders want to kill her, but she is now sure that the Eight Elders want her to die...

The worry-free fairy stunned the Soviet Union with a hateful look, but at this moment, the Soviet Union smugly akimbo and grimaced with her.

The worry-free fairy is half dead!

But in this case she has been difficult to protect herself, so she stepped back step by step.

Finally, the worry-free fairy looked at Su Luo deeply, turned and quickly fled!

Looking at the worry-free fairy wolf and fleeing away, the mood of the Soviet Union should not be mentioned.

Eight elders stared coldly at the Soviet Union, and the eyes flashed with cold light, and they saw the cold back.

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