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After the worry-free fairy praised Moze, he threw him away, and then slowly walked to Li Manman’s face, facing Li’s long face.

"Hey!" The worry-free fairy slaps and slaps on Li’s face.

Li Manman was suddenly drawn!

Her original pink and white cheeks were swollen at the moment, with red blood on her lips, her head hitting the hard rock, and she was dizzy and stared at Venus.

She wobbled and wanted to get up, but before she stood still, the worry-free fairy had walked slowly to her, facing her heart, and smashed it!


Poor Li was long, kicked into a bow shape, and suddenly a blood spurted out, and the face of the worry-free fairy was sprayed!

"贱人!" The worry-free fairy raised his hand and found that his face was full of blood, and suddenly he was almost mad, and she rushed up, and the cold sword in her hand was lifted high!

At this critical moment, the Soviet Union descended like a god.

"Stop!" Su Luo came to Li Manman with a teleport, and pulled her away, while at the same time, the sword of the worry-free fairy has fallen!

The place where Li Manman originally stood, has been opened a deep gully at this moment!

Su Luo glared at the worry-free fairy, and his eyes burst into flame-like anger!

The worry-free fairy sneered: "Sue, you can finally come."

Su Luo took out the last emperor, and quickly gave Li a long-term service to keep her life.

Then she put Li on the side of the rock not far away, and then walked back to the original position, standing, and staring at the worry-free fairy for a moment.

The worry-free fairy's mouth twitched with a sneer.


"Hey!" Su Luo slaps a slap in the face of the worry-free fairy!

The worry-free fairy didn't even react to it, so he was slap in the face!

"Smelly girl!" The worry-free fairy is furious, and he will rush toward the Soviet Union.

At this moment, the eight elders coughed.

The worry-free fairy suddenly saw the cat like a mouse, and the whole body shrank.

She turned her head and looked at the eight elders weakly: "How are you..."

At this time, the worry-free fairy is facing away from the Soviet Union. At this moment, the Soviet Union flies up and uses all her life to smash the **** of the careless fairy. ! !

Where is the worry-free fairy who will be expected to have such a fearlessness? So it was too late to prevent it, she was stunned by the Soviet Union, and headed toward the front of the eight elders to face!

The eight elders frowned and subconsciously stepped back.

The poor, worry-free fairy couldn’t stand it, facing the land and kneeling on the ground.

The tone of Su Luo’s ridicule sounded at the right time: “Hey, the worry-free fairy gave such a gift to the eight elders, is there anything to be done?”

The worry-free fairy climbed up and screamed at the resentment, almost angered in the eyes!

Before she met Su Luo, she had never been embarrassed since she was a child, but after she met Su Luo, she was stunned for the second time!

"Sue! Don't wait for the one-year contract, I will kill you now!" The worry-free fairy screamed exhaustedly, and he was about to rush toward the Soviet Union.

However, Su Luo still has a smile and a shallow smile.

Just as the worry-free fairy wants to start, I don’t know when the eight elders appeared in front of the Soviet Union and kept her behind.

"Eight elders!" No worries, the face turned red, eyes staring at the eight elders!

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