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The seven elders who used to paint tea in the land were also somewhat stunned. He looked at the worry-free fairy with amazement, and seemed to have a stunned look.

But... how can you lose to the new student without worry? The seven elders, out of trust in the worry-free fairy, continued to enjoy the tea.

The worry-free fairy almost couldn't sit still.

"I asked for a change of ticket holder!!!" The worry-free fairy stood up at the table. "Li Youyun got the Soviet Union to send the fire, and maybe he sang the number of votes to her deliberately!"

The current singer is not someone else, it is the one who sent the fire before.

Li Youyun condensed his face, solemnly and rightly said: "No worries fairy, please see clearly. For the sake of fairness, I have seen the eight elders before I sang the ticket. Are you questioning the eight elders?"

The worry-free fairy wants to say that the eight elders have been partial to the Soviet Union, and he almost killed himself in the small black house for Su!

But who said this letter?

"Worry-free fairy does not really want to lose?"

"I didn't think she would lose, but you see, now she is not confident, she is anxious. As a result, I feel that Su Luo is more stable than her."

"Really, the worry-free fairy is the baby, but the Soviet Union can take the fire out and give it away. It seems that the Soviet Union is much more generous."

In the classroom, many people whispered and smothered the worry-free fairy.

Eight elders squint and worryless fairy: "You are questioning the character of the old man?"

Everyone can see that the eight elders are really angry.

The seven elders smiled a little: "Old eight, what are you anxious? No worries or children, she is not sensible."

After appeasing the eight elders, the seven elders squinted and looked at the worry-free: "Sit down, what kind of system is this? Do you still believe in yourself?"

The worry-free fairy can only sit down angrily, staring at Li Youyun, who is singing the ticket.

Li Youyun began to sing a ticket again.

But this time he had a more heart-felt look. After seeing the eight elders, he gave the seven elders a look. The seven elders are the masters of the worry-free fairy. After he saw it, there is no doubt that the fairy will never doubt it.

"Invest in the Soviet Union and vote."

"Invest in the Soviet Union and vote."

"Invest in the Soviet Union and vote."

"Put a worry-free fairy."

"Invest in the Soviet Union and vote."

"Invest in the Soviet Union and vote."


The face of the worry-free fairy is like a cloud, the black is pressed, the haze is horrible, her hand is tightly gripped, and the cyan blood vessels on the back of the hand are beating.

She stared at the falling eyes and burned a red flame!

The seven elders originally leaned back on the chair, and the back of the ridge was straight...

He originally thought that there was no worries, so it was a great thing to prepare for her. It was a great stone, which helped a lot of cultivation.

It is no worries, so he just bite his teeth and send it out. Who knows...

This time... Seven elders can't wait to put the gift back into their sleeves.

Looking at the gift on the table, the seven elders look complicated, staring at the bottom of the scene when there is a flash of cold!

The final statistical results came out.

Su Luo 17 votes!

No worries fairy 13 votes!

When Li Youyun reported the statistical results, the audience was shocked, and then the audience was silent.

Because everyone noticed the ugly and hazy face of the seven elders.

When the audience stared at the seven elders, his old man realized that he was doing too much.

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