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Li Manman figured out the joints, and then remembered that the seven elders had almost violently disappeared after being shackled. They suddenly burst into tears. "You really hurt the seven elders."

"It was meant to frame him. Who told him to be the master of the worry-free fairy? It was natural to be an enemy with me." The Soviet Union waved his hand. "Right, did the old man give me a reward? Where is the thing?"

"This?" Li Manny mourned for a minute for the seven elders.

It was pitiful that the old man had provoked the fall. This was just a meeting. Not only did he give a prize to the Soviet Union, but he was also defeated by the Soviet Union.

"Hey!" When Su Luo opened the gift, his eyes brightened and the light shone. "There is no way to **** the stone. This old man is really willing!"

This special product is a good material for making the best!

With this unique collection of stone, Su Luo can refine the soul of the best, with the best of the spirit, not only she can use it, but also friends around her can use it!

Li Manman said with a sigh of relief: "He thought it was for the worry-free fairy, of course he was willing, who would have thought that the last time was cheaper? I think the seven elders now have a heartache, their heads hurt, and the whole body hurts."

When Su Luo thought of the seven elders, they felt very distressed.

I have lived in the castle for half a month, pretending to be in a state of rest.

During this time, Su Luo learned the thoroughness of the upstream mountain through Li’s long mouth.

At this time, she realized that there was a Danta in the upper reaches of the mountain. There were all kinds of medicinal herbs in Danta. It seems that the last time Luo’s brother let her enter the World of Warcraft area, it was her experience.

The stupid big sister and the Xiaoluo team have not yet returned to the Warcraft area, so Su Luo has pulled Li Manman again.

She wants to refine the spirit of the spirit, and use the piece of the sacred stone that the seven elders gave. Otherwise, it is afraid that it will be a long night dream.

Su Luo learned that her eyes were narrow before.

This upstream mountain not only lived in the top 100 of the Longbang, but Dantali still lived in the top 100 of the refining pharmacists.

These refiners are trapped in research, staying at home, and most of them are very low-key on weekdays, so the sense of existence is not strong, so that Sulu knows now.

"Our five elders and six elders, that are all refining pharmacists, the entire Danta is in their control." Li Manman finally told the Soviet Union.

“Five elders and six elders?” Su Luo whispered in his mouth. “Is their refining pharmacist at a high level?”

"It should be very high." Li long nodded. "Even if there is no master class, it is almost the same."

Su Luo nodded. It is very difficult to be promoted to the master-level refining pharmacist. She is stuck at this level and can't be promoted.

Thinking of the agreement with Nangong Liuyun, Su Luo was a little anxious.

After the separation, the strength of Nangong Liuyun has made great progress, and she has little effect on the refining pharmacists. So, when can I be promoted to the master level?

Su Luo decided that in the following period of time, she had to focus on refining.

There was a long way for Li to lead the way, and Su Luo quickly found Danta.

Danta is very tall, tall and towering into the sky, not seeing the top.

Looking outside is an ordinary tower, but after entering it, I found out where the space is.

Every small room is pushed forward, and the space inside is big and scary.

Obviously, there is a place in Danta.

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