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Li Yuming proudly took out his own refining medicinal herbs and wandered in front of everyone: "Give you something."

The sleek, squirting squid looks so cola.

But soon, some people showed the color of surprise: "Hey, this is not a high-grade drug, this is, this is a super drug!"

As a result, everyone was shocked!

You know, before entering, Li Yuming is a senior refining pharmacist, but in the blink of an eye he can refine the super remedy, which shows that he has been promoted to the super refining pharmacist!

At this moment, Li Yuming is already unable to hold himself. If he has a tail behind him, he is afraid that he will have gone to heaven.

However, he still carried the shelf 13 and lifted the threshold of the sloping sloping sill. He mocked the corner of his mouth: "It is just a super pharmacist."

The super refining pharmacist is not very rare in Dantary, but it is very rare in the younger generation!

The younger generation of Dantali, and only Li Yuming was promoted to a super-pharmacist, it is no wonder that he is proud of this.

The crowd surrounded him around Li Yuming, constantly touting him, complimenting him, and almost boasting him to heaven.

Although Li Yuming had a sullen face, the smile of the eyebrows could not be concealed.

At this time, the door of the Sulu finally opened slowly.

When Su came out, he was pale and sweaty, and at first glance he knew that he was tired to the extreme.

Don't say anything else, as long as such a contrast, as long as there are people with eyes to see it, the Soviet Union has fallen behind Li Yuming.

Li Manwan saw Su Luo, and ran up to help her, for fear that she would fall down the next moment.

Li Yuming saw that Su Luo was so unsatisfactory?

"Smelly head, seeing you so hard, Dan medicine must be successful? Come, let everyone see it, see how you can refine the medicine."

The Soviet Union glanced at him faintly, and he took Li’s long and wanted to go.

But is it difficult for Li Yuming to catch such a good opportunity, so that he can let the Soviet Union fall away? So he reached out and stopped the Soviet Union.

"Oh, Su girl will not be refining the best medicine, not willing to let us see it? Why is it so stingy? Or are you looking down on us?" Li Yuming even said with a smile, but everyone knows what he is. Attentively.

He knows that Su Luo can't take it out, and he holds her with great strength, and takes her to the highest place and then falls down.

Sue smiled and smiled at him: "Are you sure you want to see?"

"As long as you take it out." Li Yuming followed.

Su Luo slightly raised his lips: "Since you want to see it, then let's see it, but you'd better be mentally prepared, lest it be too irritating and excited to be killed on the spot."

"Hey, hahahahaha--" Li Yiming is like hearing the joke of the best laugh in this life. He laughs almost straight and can't stand the waist. "Excited too much, died on the spot? Hahaha-"

Sushen shrugs.

Since he has to look for excitement, give him a stimuli and see what is called heaven.

The Soviet Union smiled lightly and the palms slowly spread out.

Then everyone saw that a brownish yellow, small, cracked, and powdered medicinal herb appeared in the palm of the hand.

"This, this is the remedy that you have refining?" Li Yuming took a deep breath and then solemnly asked Su.

"Yeah." Su Luo was nodded.

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