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"Yes, yes, it is him."

"It is Li Yuming. He is a disciple of the five elders. I know it when I become a gray."

In the violent eyes of the six elders, everyone nodded and said yes.

The six elders frowned, but the eyes were a little surprised and some did not believe.

I have been listening to the old five before saying that Li Yuming’s talent is good, and he has already refined his hand in less than 30 years old.

But the six elders did not think that Li Yuming's talent is so strong, so the age has already had a master-level fire.

How did the six elders think about how to believe, he suspicion, and pushed the door open.

But the six elders were stopped by everyone without opening the door.

"Six elders, no, this is the room where the little girl was before the alchemy."

"Yeah, I remember that Li Yuming is on the right hand side, not on the left hand side."

"The six elders, Li Yuming used this one."

Everyone has pointed out to the six elders.

The embarrassed eyes of the six elders: "Less! This room is refining nothing but super medicinal drugs. You think the old man is confused. I don't even know this. Is this medicinal room worthy of the old man to see? The old man wants to see this. Between, this!"

Everyone was confused by the six elders, so it is unknown.

The six elders glanced at the crowd and then pushed in the pharmacy room before the fall.


The door is closed heavily.

It was this closing sound that instantly awakened everyone.

Everyone looks at each other, look at me, I look at you, my eyes are full of suspicions, but I can't think of an answer.

The six elders pushed in and he walked quickly to the medicine.

At this point, the fire has been extinguished, but it may be because the other party is in a hurry, so the dregs have not been disposed of.

The six elders studied the dregs in detail, and the more they studied, the bigger their eyes were!

This technique, this medication, and this flame... perfect, it is perfect! This is definitely a talented refining pharmacist! ! !

The six elders looked at the infamous Danfang in front of him, but it seemed to be in his most beloved person.

The six elders were shocked to be heavenly, and the whole man stood there, simulating each other's alchemy techniques again and again, but they couldn't think of it.

Of course, the simulation could not be made, because there were fallen red lotuses in the hands of Su Luo, and the six elders only had the fire in their hands, so he could not simulate the technique of Suo.

Unconsciously, the six elders have been staying in the Dan Pharmacy for a whole day and a night.

When he returned to God, it was already early the next morning.

"No, you have to dig out the genius, ask for advice!" The six elders thought so, they pushed out the door.

However, the six elders came out at this moment, but the outside was already empty, and several medicinal pharmacists who had been outside were already empty.

Even if the six elders want to ask, they can't find anyone to ask.

Because those people were originally watching the excitement, but after being reprimanded by the six elders, they were afraid of getting into trouble, so they all slipped away quietly.

He caught it for a while, but he soon returned. Dan Tali will not be able to hold a medicinal meeting for a long time. Will the high-ranking person come to participate?

Then ask him for advice.

Therefore, our six elders did not listen carefully to people before, and if he listened carefully, they would know that the onlookers were talking about the little girl outside...

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