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But when she stepped into her room, she felt her drill card move.

Su Luo took a look, suddenly dumbfounded...

Looking at Luo's brother's door, she almost has the impulse to make a difference! ! !

Luo Shi brother is too local, there is wood! ! !

A big score! ! !

Su Luo was still distressed, how to dig a point from the eight elders, because tomorrow will be an auction, the auction will be more local!

Although the eight elders listened to her, she could not ask for it endlessly, or else the eight elders really turned her back and went with her, and she was miserable.

Just when Su Luo hadn’t figured out an excuse, Luo’s brother sent her a large amount of points.

Well, what should be said is borrowed, Su Luo thought, she must be back when she arrived.

It is even more visible that she still has a master class-level sucking dan, which is worth a million dollars, and can still support it.

The next day, Su Luo went to the auction with Li Manman.

The auction distance is also in the upper mountain, but it is still far from the residential area.

Su Luo and Li have been flying for three hours before they finally arrived.

It is worthy of the auction house of the upstream mountain, and the magnificent momentum can be felt in the distance.

Because every month a fixed day will hold an auction, so every time people come to the same.

Su Luo and Li have come to deliberately come early, because the Soviet Union will also sell the slings here.

In order to sell a good price, Su Luo took out the most complete one.

Su Luo and Li Longman stood in front of the Black Cloud auction house.

After explaining the intention, there was a special person who would welcome Su Luo and Li Manman.

The auction house occupies a large area, almost as long as a whole street. After entering, it is a complicated pavilion and a small bridge.

Under the leadership of the waiter, they fell through the winding path and soon went to a lobby. The plaque on the lobby was the word "meeting room".

But the lobby didn't let Su fall in. The waiter brought Su Luo directly to the small door on the edge of the lobby.

Here is a small hospitality room.

Obviously, in the eyes of the waiter, Su Luo and Li Manman are only qualified to come to the small living room.

When Li looked at it, his face suddenly pulled down. Obviously, he was very unhappy.

However, Su Luo still has a light eye, and a light smile on his lips. It seems that no one can give any emotional ups and downs to anyone.

The receptionist was a refining pharmacist.

A young female refining pharmacist.

She was wearing a purple robes, her eyes were cold and arrogant, and when she saw Su Luo coming in, she flashed a bit of hatred in her eyes!

Because of the stunning appearance of the Soviet Union, it brought her great pressure and coziness.

Her bad mood was suddenly worse. When she saw the Soviet Union, she only pointed at the chair on the side and gestured to sit down.

The gesture of arrogance is very good, and it looks arrogant and cold.

Li long looked at the other side, and suddenly he was angry. Who, they come to consign the master class medicine! This is a big deal, so I take care of Joe, how do you drop it?

Just when Li Longman wanted to pick it up, Su Luo pulled her hand at the right time.

Li Manman could only turn his eyes to the Soviet Union and then turned his head to the air.

Su Luo was about to explain with the glamorous female refining pharmacist, but she had not yet opened her mouth, but the other side was squinting and sloping, waving her hand at random, and said impatiently: "Call you waiting and waiting. !"

PS: Recommended ticket oh~~~

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