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When he heard this sound, he suddenly silenced.

Everyone’s eyes are full of excitement and excitement.

Today, this dragon's grass is really an eye-opener! I have already shot 8 million points, and now I even shouted out 9 million points...

Just as Li Yuming was so eager to see Su Luo shouting 10 million points, then he stopped at the right time and did not shout -

The sound of the Soviet Union was passed down: "Li Yuming, do you really want it?"

Li Yuming was stunned at this moment, but under the eyes of the public, can you show weakness?

So he stood up and patted: "Of course!"

"Do not abandon the shoot, and then pay the penalty money?" Su Luo looked at him with a smile.

Su Luo has now approached Li Yuming to the dead end. If Li Yongming dares to say that he wants to refuse to pay, then the old man’s pride is not a torch.

So Li Yuming sneered: "Sue? You have no points? No points, what kind of local tyrants do you wear! You dare not ask for the price, then this dragon's grass is mine!"

Li Yuming said that the heroic Lingyun, but if you listen carefully, you will notice the external strength in the voice...

Li Yuming thinks that Su Luo must not be able to get this face.

But who knows that Su is such a kind of ability to stretch, she nodded calmly: "Since you are so obsessively want, then leave it to you, remember, you owe me a favor."

Li Yuming: "..."

At this time, Li Yuming... The whole person is stunned.

No? This is not the case for the Soviet Union? ? ?

He took another nine million points and bought the same one. ? ? Moreover, in the eyes of the public, promised not to refuse payment? Will the last one of my own roads be blocked?

At this moment, Li Yuming’s regretful intestines must be green. The more he wants to get angry, the more he wants to be more frustrated, the more he wants to become more angry and angry.


A blood slammed out of his mouth!

Li Yuming swayed and almost fell to the ground.

He hates it! ! !

At this time, the chief appraiser has quickly sent people to send the dragon grass in order to prevent him from regretting.

"Li Gongzi, Li Gongzi, this is the dragon grass you photographed. If there is no problem, please pay nine million points, thank you." The staff looked at Li Yuming with the look of the **** of wealth.

"Hey--" Li Yuming was spurting out of blood.

"Li Gongzi! Li Gongzi! What happened to you? It doesn't matter..."

This staff member is also a **** man. He met Li Yuming and knew that the other party was regretted. How is this going? If you take a shot, you can only shoot four million next time. Where can you find such a big head?

Therefore, the staff deliberately raised their voices in an attempt to scare Li Yuming.

Li Yuming was really scared by him.

He spent nine million points to buy this dragon stalk, but in the end it was because he was not able to face it. If the staff member went out, he would have no face.

"Shut up! Shouting shouting! Isn't it just nine million points? When Laozi can't afford it!" Li Yuming violently grabbed the dragon's grass and then hurriedly paid the points.

After paying the points, Li Yuming was almost crying on the spot.

He is bitter...

Master gave him four million points, and the millions of net worthy that he had accumulated for many years, all lost to the dragon stalk.

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