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The price of eight million is quite low compared to the value of nine yin and nine yang.

Today, several kinds of babies are far more than the past, no reason will be planted on this?

The chief appraiser waited and waited, waited and waited.

In the end, I was still reluctant to shout: "8 million for the second time."

But just as he shouted the second time, Su Luo smiled and placarded: "8.1 million."


"It’s another VIP box!"

"No. 6 is really shot. If she takes a shot, the worry-free fairy is also awkward."

"Yeah, since the 6th is interested, then there will be a good show."

Everyone expressed their hope for the next story.

The worry-free fairy heard the price of the Soviet Union and snorted with disdain.

Luo brother is very good for the Soviet Union, but will be good enough to give all of his body to the Soviet Union? This is simply not possible. Therefore, the worry-free fairy is expected to have a lot of points on the body.

"Nine million!" The worry-free fairy sneered.

"Nine hundred and one hundred thousand." Su Luo slowly sounded.

"Ten million!"

"One thousand and one hundred thousand."

"15 million!" The worry-free fairy gave the price a sigh of relief, and immediately increased the score of 5 million!

Everyone in the audience is dumbfounded, but they are getting more excited!

This scene is really wonderful, although they have not been able to stick to the end, but they can be used as cannon fodder.

The worry-free fairy sneered: "Sud, you dare to bid?"

She does not believe that there will be so many points in the body!

The Soviet Union smiled faintly, and the unhurried voice still sounded: "15.1 million points."

It’s really like a piece of candy that can’t be pulled off. The worry-free fairy smacked the corner of his mouth: "18 million! You will continue to follow the downs!"

The worry-free fairy feels that there are certainly not so many points in the Soviet Union, and the herbal medicine must be her worry-free.

But how did she know that she had contributed 12 million points in vain before? In addition, Su Luo had more than 10 million points from the eight elders.

Not mentioning the huge sums of Luo Dust and later hitting the Soviet Union, these two items alone, the hands of Su Luo have exceeded two thousand points.

Therefore, Su Luo still sang the song without hesitation: "18.1 million points."

The melodious voice of Su Luo was deliberately elongated, and it sounded very casual, as if the points were not taken seriously.

The worry-free fairy brows slightly and his fists lie on the table.

What happened to the Soviet Union? How can she have so many points in her hand? How long has she been in the genius training camp?

Li Yuming looked nervously at the worry-free fairy, and he was afraid that the worry-free fairy would give up. When the herbs were returned to the Soviet Union, he would have no place to cry.

"You can rest assured that the herbs must be ours." The worry-free fairy waved at Li Yuming and sneered: "20 million points!"

20 million! So in a while, the time has actually increased to 20 million!

All the people in the audience were full of red light, and the whole body was shaking slightly, all of them were excited.

Quick bid!

Quick offer on the 6th!

Everyone was excited and excited to stare at the No. 6 box, but at this time, the No. 6 box seemed to be no one, and there was no sound.

"I have no points in the hands of the sixth."

"To tell the truth, the 20 million points are really too much. The nine yin and nine yangs are not necessarily worth the price."

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