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"Old eight, are you here too?" The attitude of the five elders is not hot or cold.

He has always been in charge of Danta, who specializes in refining medicine. The rest of the elders want to find him with medicinal herbs, so he is used to it on weekdays.

The eight elders sat comfortably in the position of the five elders, sitting on the blunt face: "Look at the excitement."

"You are not watching the fun, but helping the thief to support you?" The five elders were suspicious and tried.

"If the old five are fair, the younger brother is really only watching the fun, and the two are not helping each other." The eight elders hooked their lips.

The implication is that if the five elders are unfair, then don't blame him for intervening.

The five elders were angry for a while.

Originally, he wanted to convict Su Luo directly, but now that there are eight elders sitting in the town, they can't do whatever they want.

The five elders squinted and whispered: "Shantou, can you plead guilty?"

The Soviet Union stood proudly and stood upright: "I don't recognize it!"

The five elders sneered: "The certification of people's evidence is all right, you can't admit it!"

"Human evidence card?" Su Luo suddenly laughed.

She didn't do anything, but there are still people who have evidence? This is really a slippery world.

"Where is the evidence of the person's evidence? I am very curious, very good, who is so ruthless, actually fell into my theft?" Su Luo smiled coldly.

After the words of the Soviet Union came out, it was not long before the so-called certification came up.

The first person who came up was a strong and sturdy man with bruises on his forehead.

In fact, this person Su Luo also dealt with him indirectly, he is the one who used to control the fire in the small black house.

The burly big man came up, and when he saw the Soviet Union, he was angry and swearing: "The stinky girl is you! I saw that you stole the Danfang of Li Yao, who was seen by me, and you made me like this!" ”

Su Luo: "..."

Su Luo silently praised the singer-in-law who was filled with indignation and crying.

At this time, the rest of the people's cards have also come up to accuse the Soviet Union.

Some said that they just happened to see it. Some said that they had been threatened by the Soviet Union before, so they dared not say it. Some said that they looked at the beauty of the Soviet Union and were so soft...

However, the general sentence is: Sue really stole Li Yuming's super-washed Dandanfang.

Under the accusation of so many people, if there are other people, even if there is no shivering, it will inevitably become angry and red.

But the Soviet Union did not.

She is still standing there, the plain dress swings with the wind, looks like a fairy, inviolable.

Su Luo smiled a little: "What do you say, really super, wash the marrow, Dan Fang?"

Su Luo also focused on the term.

"It is the super-washing Dandan party!"

"Yes, this is it!"

"I swear, it is the super-washing Dandan party!"

Su Luo smiled and looked at Li Yuming: "What do you think?"

"It was originally a super-washing Dandanfang, Su Luo, if you still don't believe it, then go to the physical evidence, see how you argue!" Li Yuming was very proud.

"There are physical evidence? Then hurry up, come together, I have been looking forward to it for a long time." Su Xiao's smile made many people sway.

This, is this really a thief who is scolded by the public? It seems to be very pleasant to see her like this. What is going on here?

What is the world like? ! ! !

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