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Su Luo smiled and introduced to Zi Yan: "This big sister called Wei Hua, Saint Samsung, now my bodyguard."

"Ah..." Zi Yan looked at the stupid big sister who was obviously not very agile, and was deeply shocked.

The strongman of the holy step Samsung has become a falling bodyguard?

Zi Yan looked at the stupid big sister, the stupid big sister is very proud to pat the chest, and is proud of being able to be a bodyguard of Su Luo!

"This is... the six elders of Purgatory City, my friend..." Su Luo nodded to the six elders.

The six elders were originally squinting, a pair of serious eyes blowing their noses.

When I saw Su Luo introduce myself, I nodded to Zi Zi, and I said hello, but he was very serious and very stereotyped to correct Su Luo: "Not a friend, you are my future master."

If you say that the descendants of the holy two stars, stupid big sister, this holy step Samsung bodyguards are not enough to shock the purple, the six elders, just like the shells fall into the water, in the heart of the purple stunned the storm!

In fact, who can hear such news?

The six elders of the Purgatory City are always high and worshipped by thousands of people, but now the person actually said... actually said... Su Luo is his future master?

I am going to go! Zi Yan feels that she must be a dream!

She blinked her eyes, then blinked her eyes and found that the group was still there, so she asked Su Luo weakly: "I am sick of dying... So I have auditory hallucinations?"

Su Luo snorted: "What is dead? Are you dead in you?"

"Yes, oh." Zixiao laughed. Then she thought of Beichenying, and her eyes suddenly looked anxious. "Let's fall, fast, go to save Beichen!"

"Where is he?" The Soviets felt that things were not good.

"Day a duel!" Zi Yan is very nervous. "Bei Chen is because of me, only to fight with Ling Xuan! But how can Beichen play Ling Ran?"

"When you walk on the road, you can say." Su Luo asked the stupid sister to carry the purple sable, and a group of people hurriedly walked toward the Tianyi duel field.

The Tianyi duel field is the same as the life-and-death platform in the inner city. It is a place dedicated to providing combat.

Along the way, Zi Yan succinctly told Su Luo about things.

Sure enough, the Ming Yue Temple that was killed by the Soviet Union all said everything.

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying entered the elite training camp, and specially trained for the talent training camp that was not long after.

Once, when they went to the Wild World of Warcraft, the people in their group died bizarrely, and then someone complained that they were killed by the partnership between Beichen and Ziyan. The purpose was to monopolize merit.

The sentence that the person said was straightforward, and the evidence of the person was unfavorable to Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying. The original Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying were to be executed.

However, the law enforcer was a big elder, and the elders personally came forward to protect Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying.

But the elite training camp is unable to stay.

Therefore, Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying returned to the inner city and could only cultivate themselves.

But it is clear that the other party will not let Tsing Yi let them go.

Ling Xuanran appeared at this time.

The goal he started was purple, the purple scorpion was unbearable, and he fought with him, but he was seen to be entangled with each other, and the news was passed out.

The rumors of Zi Yan and Ling Xuan’s rumors were soaring, and Bei Chen’s film went down to find Ling Xuan, but he was seriously injured.

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