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The abdomen suffered a heavy blow. The body of Beichen Ying was half-bow like a cooked shrimp. The body trembled fiercely, and the blood spurted out continuously!

The progress of Beichen Ying has been a big deal, but after all, it came from the outside mainland. Where is the Ling Xuanran who is born and raised?

What's more, Ling Xuan at this time has been in practice for 50 years according to the actual cultivation time.

If you give Beichen Shadow 50 years, Ling Xuan can be the opponent of Beichen Shadow? Bad or bad is the length of this cultivation time.

At this moment, the people watching the audience are also unbearable in their eyes.

Because they saw the blood on the ground from the beginning, to the later spread, and then smudged and flowed, like the blooming Manzhu Shahua, the strange demon...

When Su was there, I saw this scene.

At this moment, the eyes of the Soviet Union are red, and the blood of a scarlet is spreading in the eyes!

Su Luo had no time to think about it, a teleport, and when she appeared again, she had already appeared behind Ling Xuan.

Ling Xuan instinctively felt the danger -

The shadow sword that has been strengthened by the Seven Stars, this moment, broke out with unprecedented power!


After a loud noise, Ling Xuan, although hiding fast enough, but pinched the palm of Beichen Shadow, but was severely scratched by the Soviet Union!

If it is not for him to hide fast, I am afraid that the whole wrist will not be guaranteed.

Ling Xuanran betrayed and released Beichen Shadow.

Bei Chenying's body was not fixed, and suddenly fell softly toward the ground.

Seeing this moment of Beichen Shadow, the Soviet Union’s eyes are red, and the murderous machine is like a magma!

Bei Chenying's face is full of blood. The clothes on his chest are like the ones soaked in blood.

His face was pale and snowy, and his breath was weak, as if he would die at any time.

I remembered the optimist Sunshine teenager who had once had a hippie smile, and then looked at the way he was so weak and weak. The heart of the Soviet Union seemed to be caught by a giant hand, and she was very uncomfortable.

At this time, the purple scorpion has rushed up.

"Don't worry, I will save him!"

I saw a cold flash, the shadow sword was heavily cut on the wrist of the Soviet Union, and the blood suddenly spewed out.

"Open his mouth." Su fell silently.

The purple cicada quickly opened the mouth of Beichen Ying, while the Sulu held his wrist, and the blood of the precious red blood Scrophulariaceae essence poured into it.

The healing power of the Soviet Union is too strong, and it will heal automatically after a while.

As a result, the Soviet Union re-cut the wound that had healed again and again.

The eyes of everyone under the stage were straight.

Not only were they shocked by the healing power of the Soviet wounds, but they were also shocked by the cold expression of the Soviet Union.

One knife and one knife, repeated on the same wound, healed and then cut, healed and then cut... What kind of pain? But Su Luo did not wrinkle his brows, and his eyelashes did not shake, as if he was not cutting her own wrist.

I can't remember how many times Su's fell on his wrist until the voice of the six elders came: "Enough!"

"He hasn't woken yet." The voice of the Soviet Union was cold.

"If you continue this way, you will lose too much blood and die. What's more, your blood dose is too strong. For him, it is poisonous to absorb it. It is harmful to him." The six elders opened the Soviet Union. .

Su Luo felt that the six elders did not make sense, so they stopped, but -

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