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The little fox turned over and yawned, finally opening the eyes that were so sleepy for many days.

The little fox is so amazing, its shape almost combines all the advantages of the little fox and the little sable, looks cute and stupid, very cute.

Just as Su Luo escaped Ling Xuan’s sword, the little fox screamed out of the space of the Soviet Union!

Because of the speed, Ling Xuan did not notice.

The little fox's clear black scorpion dribbles, it clings to the ground, lurking in place.

Because Ling Xuan has been chasing down the Su, he did not pay attention to a little thing on the ground.

Ling Xuan ran over the little fox and continued to chase.

However, after the arrest of the oriole, Ling Xuan’s behind him was caught up with a small slap!

Almost in the blink of an eye!

The little things were flashing fast, and the small claws hooked Ling Xuan's back, a lame leg, and easily climbed Ling Xuan and back.

"What?!" Ling Xuan's heart emerged a bad feeling!


The little fox licks Ling Xuan’s neck and bites it down!


There was a burst of exclamation in the crowd.

Ling Xuan's strength is very strong, the holy four stars, what is the speed of the small things, can actually bite a bit on Ling Xuan's neck?

The little fox was very clever. After biting it down, his limbs sneaked into the back and quickly went into Ling Xuan’s back.

The small things that slap on the palms look very small. Even if they only get into the back of Ling Xuan, there is only a small bulge.

However, Ling Xuan is completely unbearable!

Because that thing is a living thing, and the mouth is particularly good, catching the muscles and biting!

Just as the little fox bite Ling Ling’s spine, Ling Xuan almost jumped up.

He could almost feel that the little thing was sucking his bones!

"Go to death!!!"

Ling Xuan was so angry that he took a shot to the back!

The other hand still smashed the sword with a sword, so he couldn’t make it out, only his left hand was available.

When Ling Xuanran exhausted his left hand, when he slammed it, the little things had already been flexibly transferred to the position.

Ling Xuan himself, but he was photographed by himself. If he did not try to control it, he would almost fall to the ground.

At this moment, the little thing was shaped to fall freely and fell to Ling Xuan’s ass.

Ling Xuan is almost mad! ! !

At this time, the Soviet Union saw that the momentum improved, pretending to run, but the heart has already been calculated.

She is not ready for Ling Xuan, and turning back is a sword!

She is the same contract with the little fox, and she can naturally use brain waves to communicate.

Su Luo let Xiaohu harass Ling Lingran, anger Ling Xuanran, and it is best to let Ling Xuan's attention in the upper part.

The little fox is very clever, and it is all at once. It has transferred its destination. It flies to Ling Xuan’s head in a flash, and stretches out his small claws. He starts to lick his hair, and has a root to pull them out. The posture.

This reminds Su Luo of the once small dragon, it is also so cute, such love and love.

However, at this time, Su Luo had no time to think about it. She took advantage of Ling Xuan, and a teleport came to Ling Xuan’s side and pointed his legs!


Ling Xuan has a sword in his knee!

The Soviet Union succeeded in a move and quickly retreated!

At this time, the little fox also feels bad, because Ling Xuan has given up the Soviet Union, specifically to deal with it!

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