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Su Luo sneered back and sneered back: "Three elders, this is the battle station, everyone signed a contract of life and death, not a child to play, you even privilege, then deceive people, take care of the rules here, OK ?"

The three elders are almost dying out of the Soviet Union! The chest can't hold up and down!

With the words of the Soviet Union, the audience is also talking.

"Sue is right, since you signed the contract of life and death, you should follow the rules until one side falls down."

"That is, if the contract of life and death can be torn casually, then everyone else signed it?"

"Although the three elders are elders, can't they do that?"

"Even if you want to do this, don't you blatantly breach the contract? This is simply trampling the rules! She really thought she was the master of the city?"

"That is, the three elders are too much!"

We must know that the privilege is the most objectionable to the people, because privilege is naturally opposed to them, at the expense of their rights!

In the face of such problems, the average person is naturally a camp, so they all stood on the side of the Soviet Union and gave support to the Soviet Union.

This is the purpose of the fall and the three elders.

She wants the three elders to be reviled by everyone, so that she kills Ling Xuan is justified.

The three elders are all blown up by the lungs of the people!

Ling Xuan is her only guilty, can she not care? Even if she is jealous, she has to manage it.

"This is the end of the matter. I will give you an explanation after three days!" The eyes of the three elders were shot at the Soviet Union. Then she wanted to leave with Ling Xuan.

However, the accident suddenly occurred at this moment.

At this time, suddenly, Ling Xuan was in a stiff shape, and then his body began to distort.

The three elders watched Ling Xuan's body tremble rapidly, his limbs twitching constantly, and the blood in his mouth spit out.

What's going on here!

The three elders couldn’t think too much, she pulled up Ling Xuan’s hand pulse.

However, the more she is chilling.

There is no doubt that Ling Xuan is poisoned, and it is still very serious, serious toxins that will lose their lives!

"It's your poison!" The three elders glared at the Soviet Union, and there was a scarlet color in their eyes.

At this moment, she was flustered and restless.

Su’s hands crossed, and she looked at her with a sneer, with a sigh of relief.

Are the three elders panicked? Does she also know the pain of losing her loved ones?

Oh, the reason why she asked Ling Xuanran to call the three elders is actually to let the three elders see their own relatives die.

"Detoxification Dan! Quickly hand over the detoxification Dan!" The eyes of the three elders were savage and staring at the Soviet Union!

However, at this time, the Soviet Union smiled indifferently and did not say a word.

Detoxification Dan? Sorry, she has not been promoted to the master-level refining pharmacist, so she can't refine the detoxification.

"Detoxification Dan!!!" Three elders looked at Ling Xuanran more and more spit, full of clothes are all, the ground spread, and suddenly blink of an eye, once again rushed to the Soviet Union roar.

If it weren't for the six elders who were in front of the Soviet Union, she now has the heart that has shattered the Soviet Union.

"Detoxification Dan? What is that?" Su Luo's eyes were lifted, crossed the three elders, looking at the sky in the distance.

"Sue! You are looking for death!" The three elders yelled angrily. "If something happens, you will give me hell!"

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