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Xiaoluo said: "Sue! Where did you come from these people!"

The Soviet Union did not answer, but instead angered: "The crystal fragments were taken away by them! Do you still have time to say something else?"

what? Xiaolu instantly changed his face!

She doesn't care about the fall, she is most concerned about her crystal fragments!

As soon as the crystal fragments were in the hands of the group of people, Xiaoluo looked at the black man. The Chuyang squad also stared at the black-skinned people in front of them.

"Hand over the hoe!" The captain's voice was cold.

"Hand over the crystal fragments!" Xiaolu screamed loudly.

The squad leader’s anger suddenly burst into the air.

If you don't want to pay someone, even if you dare to sue them, you really have this reason.

At this time, the captain of the Spurs saw the group of people intercepting their own team halfway, and let the Soviets run far away, and his heart was very angry.

"Let's get out!"

"Hand over the crystal pieces!" Chuyang team insisted.

The squad leader is so angry!

It’s so awful to plant them and dare to plant them!

He believes that this group of people will let the Soviets leave even if they sacrifice themselves. It is obvious that they are the closest people in the Soviet Union.

Who will kill them and who will kill them?

"Brothers, go!" The captain of the Spurs couldn't wait to say more. With a wave of his hand, the men in his group of black men rushed up.

Spurs the squad, except for the lost 064, it is exactly four people.

The Chuyang squad, in addition to the long run away, is also four people.

Four to four.

The strength of each other is similar, so it is difficult to distinguish between two pairs.

Su Luo did not run far, she ran directly to the opposite cliff, kneeling there, smiling at the scene here.

Seeing that they played hard to understand, Su Luo laughed and laughed, almost burst into laughter!

Fun! so fun!

Both sides are her enemies. Now they are dog-biting dogs. Even if they are not completely annihilated in the end, for her, it also weakens a lot of strength.

At this time, the Soviet Union News stunned.

Sushang was subconsciously connected: "Nang Gong?"

"Well, is it safe for the time being?" Nangong saw that the coordinates of the Soviet Union had not moved for a long time, so he asked a sentence.

Su Luo laughed and smiled at the Nangong Liuyun. At the end, he did not forget to praise him: "Your strategy is too fun, too effortless! I like it!"

Nangong Liu Yun mouth slightly tilted, but still deliberately squinted: "What do you want? They are not fools, this oolong situation will soon be clear, by then they should cooperate to search for you."

Spit spit out his tongue.

In fact, she also expected this situation, but it is a pity that such a good show missed.

Just in this gap, and sure enough, Chu Yang saw the clue and soon asked for a timeout.

After the suspension, everyone explained it and the misunderstanding finally opened.


The goal of the Chuyang team is to fall.

The goal of the Spurs team is also the fall!

The two teams face each other and are annoyed by their own brain-dead behavior.

"Purgatory City and Spurs have always been enemies. Everyone has nothing to do with a fight." Chu Yang said with a smile. "But now, we are down to each other to do the task. If it is a waste of time on this unnecessary fight, it is really It’s not worth the candle, what do you say?”

The last sentence of Chu Yang is to ask the captain.

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