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Li Manman also sneered at him while flying back.

The man was so angry that he could only turn his head.

He prayed in his heart, praying for Li Manman to stop halfway, or to divert the direction, but to his disappointment, Li Manman, this group of people actually kept moving toward the line of his communication...

Did the friend also send a road map to Li long?

After flying for about an hour, Su Luo finally took everyone to the central place.

The central land is a run-down thatched cottage.

The thatched cottage was in the cold wind, and almost only one empty shell was blown. The thatched grass had long since disappeared, but there were still a few pieces of wood fixed.

At the moment, there is a person standing in front of the thatched house.

That person, Su Luo actually knows.


A man who is very fond of the worry-free fairy.

Moser saw that Su Luo took the lead and landed, and there was a violent color flashing in his eyes. He screamed at Su Luo: "How come you come?!"

Su Luo turned a blind eye to him.

Worry-free fairy can have an equal dialogue with her, but Moze clearly does not have this qualification.

Li Mann sneered at Moze, but he did not talk to him. When he passed, he slammed him.

Moze was accidentally slammed into the ground and stepped back a few steps.

He wants to be embarrassed, but the big-eyed captain waved his fists toward Moze, obviously, if you dare to speak foul language, the fist is waiting.

Moze took a sigh of relief and yelled at the last man: "I am here to wait for you. As a result, you have brought me such a bunch of people. Can you afford me? Yan Wenqing?!"

Yan Wenqing is also depressed.

He had been stunned by Li’s contempt along the way. He was all squatting at this moment. He was so stunned by Moze, and suddenly the gas came in.

"How can I bring them over? It is clear..." Yan Wenqing felt that he was very faceless in the face of Li Manman.

"What is it?" Moser glanced at him.

"He obviously came behind us. If you have the heart, you have to give a toll." Li Manny reached out to Yan Wenqing.

In fact, this kind of assessment, through the points to buy the correct route, is a potential rule.

If it is true that Li Wenman brought Yan Wenqing over, it is reasonable to ask for this toll.

Yan Wenqing was so damaged by Li Manman, sighing in his throat, his face turned red: "It’s not that you lead the way, we just happen to be on the same road!"

"If you think that this will make your mood better, then think so." Li Manman smiled a lot.

Yan Wenqing: "..." I want to beat people!

Su Luo pulled Li Manman who deliberately sighed Yan Wenqing: "Time is tight, go."

Said, Su Luo with a small Luo team into the thatched cottage.

In the middle of the thatched cottage, there is a circle-shaped rune.

The entire circle of fluorescent light flows, exuding the dazzling light.

Su Luo stepped into it, and then her body was sent away.

Li Manman also entered later.

Moser glared at Yan Wenqing: "You have done a good job! Your performance is so bad. If you look at the worry-free fairy, will you accept it?"

Yan Wenqing cried: "Old ink, I really didn't bring them over..."

Moze clearly does not believe.

Yan Wenqing began to clarify for himself.

He said: "Don't believe it, I always think that the fall, she seems to know where the secret is."


PS: Thank you in advance, please let the recommended ticket 10,000 to this Monday, and add more ~~

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