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"Unless what?"

"Unless, you don't want me." Lin's eyes flashed with a strong light.

He still doesn't know that this moment, the worry-free fairy has already suspected him. At this level, she is only testing him.

The worry-free fairy raised his lips: "Small things, my sister likes you the most, go quickly." The worry-free fairy patted the buttocks of the forest half, just like chasing horses.

Lin half of the color is reddish, nodded, and the rate is advanced in the secret way.

After the Lin and a half notices were not dangerous, the worry-free fairy with a few people also followed.

When the worry-free fairy left the third floor, the group of people in the Soviet Union just came to the third floor.

The first layer is the desert, the second is the snow, and the third is the vast grassland.

At first glance, it is lush, like a layer of green and heavy blanket on the ground, which makes people feel happy.

There are still many people staying in the third level. It can be said that most people are staying on the third floor.

When Su Luo came in, she opened the map and started searching.

Su Luo has a small fox, the cheat, but even then, she can only keep up with the big forces, and I don’t know what the worry-free fairy is relying on. She leads so many people.

When he was thinking, he searched and used his brains to concentrate on his goals.

At the time of Susie thinking, Moze has been staring at her.

Moze and Yan Wenqing followed behind the Soviet team, and the two monitored the every move of the Soviet Union.

Can you give Lin half a bucket to the horse in one fell swoop? So when Moze stalked, he exposed his eagerness.

Who is the Soviet Union? Mozawa's mind, even if she did not guess very much, she must have guessed eight points.

Su Luo smiled in the heart, she already knows where the secret road is, but...

She does not intend to go so far, because this will make Moze suspicious.

The best way is, just...

Su Luo went to the side, took out the green communication, quickly spoke a few words, and then quickly shut down with a click.

She is secretive, quick, and if she doesn't keep staring at her, it is extremely difficult to find her little trick.

Because Moze has been staring at the Soviet Union, he is the one who defends it, so when he saw that Su Luo took out the green communication, he had already made a conclusion.

When he saw that Su Lu’s original brow was wrinkled, but when he put down the communication, he smiled and his heart was determined to be eight points.

"You all come with me!" The Soviet Union waved his hand and the leader's temperament suddenly appeared.

Moze deliberately provoked: "Do you know the way? Don't go away, here is a big one!"

Yan Wenqing also helped: "I haven't found it yet, how can you know the road?"

Su Luo sneered, seemingly wanting to cover: "Who is letting you follow? You don't follow better, come, you choose now, which direction is the northeast and the northwest?"

This is obviously to kick them out, and then let the small Luo team into the fourth floor, Moze certainly does not work, he deliberately shifted the topic.

Moser: "Do you know the correct road map?"

Su Luo laughed and did not answer.

Moser: "How do you know the correct road map?"

Sue sneered.

Moser: "I saw that you just used the newsletter, is it someone else..."

Su Luo took a look at him: "As a man, you are so embarrassed, don't you feel very shameful?"

The performance of the Soviet Union was a bit irritated by the middle and the back. For this reason, Mozawa’s original eight-point letter suddenly became nine points.

Su Luo did not know that she deliberately teased Mozère, but she gave Lin Luli a half-death.

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