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Everyone thinks, right!

From the beginning, Su Luo flew in this direction, and did not waste a little time in the middle. It is obvious that she already knew this route.

Moser saw everyone hooked up and hit the iron and frowned. He frowned and said, "But how did Su Luo know this route? Is it..."

“Did someone tell her?” The crowd said in unison!

Afterwards, everyone suddenly realized!

"If you say this, it must be someone who secretly tells Su Luo the correct route."

"Who would be so good to Su Luo, tell her in vain? It must be the news of spending points!"

"This is cheating! Once verified, the results are invalid!"

For a time, the crowd is excited!

These people completely forgot that they had come with them before the fall. They did not remember the grace of the Soviet Union, but they were ungrateful and vengeful.

Because they are too embarrassed, whether it is because of the rapid promotion of the Soviet Union, or she can know the exact route.

At this moment, everyone excitedly shouted:

"Sud is cheating!"

"Cheating is to be severely punished!"

"Down with the Soviet Union!"

"Get out of the Soviet Union!"

"Get out of the Soviet Union!"

In the end, this sentence gathered into a powerful voice, and the sound was loud and earth-shattering.

Moze smiled in the heart, but the face was still not sure: "Would it be that we smashed the Soviet Union? Perhaps..."

"Nothing! Before I saw Su Luo took the newsletter and slammed it a few times, then I came directly to this side. Just take the newsletter from the Soviet Union and check it out. I can prove her cheating. behavior!"

"Yes! Be sure to take out the Su!"

"You must take her out!"

Seeing that there is a lot of excitement, Moze puts his hand on his hand: "Sue is now on the fourth floor. If you want to take Sulu out, we must go to the fourth floor first."

Moze, between the faint, is already the leader among this group of people.

So, with the angry hatred of the Soviet Union, everyone lined up to jump.

Moze and Yan Wenqing are at the end.

When everyone jumped into the well, Moze patted Yan Wenqing's shoulder and smiled and said: "Brother, thank you."

Yan Wenqing looked blank: "What do you thank me?"

Didn't he do anything to help Moser?

Moze laughed and said nothing.

Although Yan Wenqing did not directly help him, he indirectly helped him a big favor.

This time, one of them will be able to smoothly fly Lin Banli, but it will also make the Soviet Union fall into the mold. These two things, no matter which one is a great event that makes people happy.

Yan Wenqing saw that Moze smiled differently, and his heart flashed a little chill.

The fourth layer.

When the Soviet Union fell on the fourth floor, the worry-free fairy had not left.

It can be said that everyone at the moment of assessment, everyone has gathered on the fourth floor, no one can go to the fifth floor.

Because the fourth layer is not easy to pass.

The test tower, the higher it is, the higher the difficulty, and the fourth floor is a watershed, a trial stone that can eliminate many people.

Different from the first three layers, it is just looking for a route. The risk factor of the fourth layer is several times.

At this moment, the worry-free fairy is looking at the big thing in front of him, his eyes narrow.

That is a golden dragon.

The golden dragon is huge and huge, and its shape is at least ten miles long. The huge head is as big as ten floors, and the eyes are huge.

This golden dragon is so powerful that it is a monarch!

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