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Lin Banli: "..." The boy did not shed tears, but he did not go to the wronged place.

Lin was half-hearted and aggrieved.

"In any case, you just don't believe me?" Lin Zhongli's tone is fluttering like a feather.

"If I prove that I am being shackled in the future!" Lin Zhongli saw the worryless fairy not talking, and forced to ask.

This is his last chance for himself.

The worry-free fairy smiles coldly: "There is no need for suspects, even if you finally prove that you are innocent, you don't have to come back to me!"

After that, the worry-free fairy was stunned and decided to leave.

Even if you finally prove that you are innocent, you don't have to come back to me!

Even if you finally prove that you are innocent, you don't have to come back to me!

Even if you finally prove that you are innocent, you don't have to come back to me!

This sentence, just like thunder, the rumbling of the rumbling in the middle of the forest, the sound is louder than once! He was dizzy and his limbs were soft and weak.

The words of the worry-free fairy, like the last straw that crushed the camel, smashed the last hope of her in Lin’s heart.

Even if you finally prove that you are innocent, you don't have to come back to me. This sentence explains a lot of problems. One of them is that you are in the eyes of the worry-free fairy in the middle of the forest, nothing!

There is no one component!

Even if she has a little bit of your position in her heart, if it is finally found out that you are embarrassed, how can it be indifferent?

However, her worry-free fairy came directly, even if it was found to be innocent, there is no need to go back.

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ... ..." Lin half sighed in the sky, the voice was sorrowful and mournful, can not tell the stern.

Two lines of tears, rolling from his eyes.

The man did not shed tears, but he did not go to the sad place.

The heart of Lin Shuli was cool and cold.

In the past, for her, he could throw his head and sprinkle blood, and he could go to the bottom of the knife, he could give everything, even life! He really loves her! Even sharing her with other men!

However, how does it treat him without worry? Discard it!

He paid so much, he got less than the fingernails, and he was now abandoned and assassinated. He is not a stone, he will be hurt, he will be sad. He used to be negligent in the name of love, but now!

How can he not care about it!

Lin Banli laughed miserably and desolately.

Looking at him like this, everyone feels awkward.

Everyone was uncomfortable in their hearts, but they only turned their heads silently, pretending not to hear, or even walking away.

When Su’s line of sight looked at the line of sight in the forest, Lin suddenly raised his hand and waved at the Soviet Union.

"Don't go!" Li Manny grabbed Su's sleeves and was nervous. "Did you not hear? Their break is because of you. Although we all know that you are innocent, but now the situation is complicated... ..."

Li Manman said that it is to fear that Lin will give himself a back before he dies, which will be unfavorable to the Soviet Union.

The big-eyed captains also stopped to let the Soviets go, and they persuaded him how dangerous it was.

I don’t know if it’s down?

However, Su Luo believes in her instincts and her judgment on human nature.

Dangers often represent opportunities.

Lin Banli was cold-hearted by the worry-free fairy. He may hate himself, but now, at this moment, the most hated person in Lin Banli is definitely a worry-free fairy.

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