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"What to ask, hurry to ask!" Moze urged the Soviet Union. He thinks that the stinking stunt of the Soviet Union is blasphemy, whoever is bad luck, or it is better to hurry up.

"Then I can ask." Su Luo looked at Moser with a smile. "It's very simple. You said before, you see that I have communicated, I know the correct route, isn't it?"

This is what Moser saw with his own eyes. Can you have a fake? Moser excitedly nodded, "Yes!"

"Then, you suspect that Lin Wei’s secret confession tells me the real route, isn’t it?” Su Luo smiled and looked at Moser, seeing that he had something to say, Su Luo came directly, “You don’t have to say anything else. Yes, just answer yes, or not!"

This is the benefit of staying in modern society, and the language is rich and colorful.

"Yes." Moze snorted.

"As for why you doubt Lin Buri, because there was only him at that time, the worry-free fairy, and you, the three of you know that route, are you?" The look of the Soviet Union gradually became serious.

"Yes." Moze and the worry-free fairy looked at each other.

All of Su's guesses are correct. Could it be said that Lin Luli just said the truth to Su Luo? Both people think of this at the same time.

They were completely led by the Soviet Union and they forgot, in fact, they could completely drive the Soviets away and refused to talk.

After all, this is still the personal charm of the Soviet Union, which makes people unstoppable, and naturally affects the group of worry-free fairy.

Return to the topic.

Su Luo looked at the worry-free fairy with a smile, and looked at Moser with a smile. Finally, Su Luo shook his communication in front of the worry-free fairy.

Su Luo pointed to the communication 珏 and explained: “The records in the communication 能够 can be kept for three days. The records within three days cannot be erased. Now I have removed the communication ,, and now I will publicly communicate the information in the 珏Announced, have you all polished your eyes?"

On the spot, announce the information in the newsletter?

Everyone is dumbfounded!

This is the biggest privacy of a person!

Who would be stupid enough to publicize the information in the newsletter?

Besides, here is the trial tower, but there is a big screen outside. Through the big screen, is it ready to announce her privacy to the world?

The worry-free fairy is stunned and stunned, and the hand of Bai Yuru jade clenches his fist.

There is no fear in the Soviet Union. What is she relying on? What is it? Did Lin Lin really not betray her?

For a time, the worry-free fairy is in a mess and looks complex.

Moze also stared at Su Luo, and the time flickered.

He saw with his own eyes that Su Luo had connected to the communication, and then she knew the correct route. That's right, that's it! Moze is very confident in his eyes!

At the moment, outside the trial tower.

One person stood quietly in the same place.

He looked up and looked at the group of people on the fifth floor.

Su Luo stood in the middle of the center, she danced and danced, talking and talking, and the sentences were clarified for him.

Now, she will also announce her privacy to clarify his grievances.

Lin Banli knows that he really hasn't done it. Even he and Su Luo are not communication contacts, so they can't pass the words, and it is impossible to tell her the correct route.

As long as Su Luo reveals his privacy, his grievances are completely clarified.

The hand on the side of the forest was tightly gripped, and the back of the hand was stiff and almost cramped.

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