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The most exaggerated thing is that the scarlet blood almost covered her original face.

This is a gorgeous transition from Queen to Aunt.

At this moment, the worry-free fairy is crazy! Fury! Going away!

"Sue! I want to kill you! Ah ah!!!!" The worry-free fairy held a cold sword and frantically caught up!

Su Luo let Su Luo rushed to run!

Su Luo and Su Luo are exactly the same, even Su Shen himself is difficult to distinguish, and soon is a worry-free fairy?

Therefore, the worry-free fairy directly chased up to the Soviet Union, and the cold sword constantly released a cluster of flames, and sprayed toward the Soviet Union!

Have to say that the worry-free fairy is still very powerful!

Although she was grabbed by the Soviet Union, she was the first to make a strong move, but the worry-free fairy was all traumatized and the damage was not serious.

this moment!

She is really worried!


Cold sword brush!

The flames are chasing after the fall!

At this moment, Su Luo really regrets that if there is a speed leg bone, after the fusion, let alone the worry-free fairy, even if the elders appear, they may not be able to catch up with her.


The worry-free fairy is carrying a fist with a tattoo to the back of the Soviet Union!

Su Luo's body was swaying, only the throat was sweet, and a scarlet smell rushed out of the throat.


Su Luo was separated from the blood and squirted out.

At this time, the descendant of the Soviet Union was behind the worry-free fairy, and when she was holding the worry-free fairy to deal with the Soviet Union, she secretly moved toward the worry-free fairy!

Yanhua Dagger is close to it!


Clearly into the sound of meat.

The worry-free fairy was stabbed by the Soviet Union in the back, which was the key point, but the key moment was avoided by the worry-free fairy, so only a hole was drawn on the back.

Worrying fairy is furious!

After the fall of a sect, a singer is in front of him. Now it is equivalent to two sue to deal with a worry-free fairy, and there are fewer people to bully.

Although the worry-free fairy is injured in the back, although she knows that she is behind, she has already identified the previous goal!

She is very clear that she is stronger than the strength of Su Luo, but she suffers from loss, and Su Luo has help!

As long as she kills the singer's avatar, then Sue is definitely not her opponent!

Poor, worry-free fairy, the brain is really smeared by the paste, in fact, the target she wants to pursue, should not be the singer.

At this point, the group of people outside the screen, the mouth has an "O" shape.

Worryless fairy...

This ghost-like woman is really their goddess worry-free fairy?

Oh, my god~~~

Many people hold their chests in pain and can't bear to look at them. Even if the future of the worry-free fairy is glamorous, the ugliness of this moment has always been rooted in everyone’s mind.

"The worry-free fairy has been turned into a suicide like this..."

"The legendary strength of the arm bones is like God's help."

"Female warrior, female war god, queen adult, what should I call the Soviet Union?"

"The worry-free fairy is estimated to be planted this time. Whoever makes the Soviet Union so abnormal? It has created a avatar! And this avatar is like the deity!"

"That's not necessarily, didn't you see it? Just the worry-free fairy just lost the opportunity. The fairy has risen. Didn't she see that she is already chasing the Soviet Union?"

"Can the head in front be clearly a detached body? Is the worry-free fairy's brain really smeared? Is she actually going to chase and kill?"

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