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Another sound of a broken cloth.

The clothing on the chest of the worry-free fairy was also ripped off, revealing a crimson apron.

The worry-free fairy at the moment, the back is bare, the **** apron with only the red water left on the chest, and the skirt underneath is also covered with only the remaining thigh.

Worry-free fairy has always been unrestrained, she changed people frequently, but this does not mean she is willing to let everyone see her body!

What's more, the entire big screen is now playing clearly.

People who have eyes in the entire upper reaches of the mountain are watching.

They are all looking at her ugly wounds and wandering faces.

Su Luo smiled and held the crystal fruit, smile is not good: "If you stripped off, and then recorded with crystal fruit ... wow, should be able to sell a lot of points? If you copy and burn ... wow!"

The eyes of the Soviet Union are shining, it is a small fan.

Thinking of the points of the financial resources, the Soviet Union almost wiped the water.

Compared with the excitement of the Soviet Union, the worry-free fairy is almost going to be... crazy!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!!" The worry-free fairy is awkward! The lungs will be blown up by the Soviet Union!

The worry-free fairy is very clear. It is not impossible to lighten the clothes on her body with the strength of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union.

The body that thinks about its own fruit and fruit will be exposed to everyone, and the worry-free fairy will be mad!

"Sue, you see, you are so beautiful! I remember you!!!"

Worry-free fairy impressed a swearing words, she held a cold sword, slammed it to her neck, and generously!

Dangdang, the worry-free fairy fell softly on the ground, and then turned into a white light and disappeared into the battle room.

The entire battle room, empty, only the rest of the Soviet Union...

Trial outside the tower.

At this moment, the ranking of the fallen on the screen rose.


Su Luo replaced the worry-free fairy and became the dragon list 50!

Everyone is stupid.

100 dragons, only participate in a battle, directly to the dragon list 50? ? ?

Also let no one else live! ! ! ! !

Everyone was mad by the rapid progress of the Soviet Union.

"Hey! Look!" At this time, everyone looked to the Soviet Union in the battle room.

I saw the original Suo, but suddenly it was unstable, and the body suddenly went backwards -


Su behind his head and kneeling on the floor, giving a clear voice.

Then she fell asleep and stood still...

Not moving...

It was at this time.

The worry-free fairy slammed into the ground.

When I landed, the wolf of the worry-free fairy was broken, and the men who looked at the white flower body... stunned!

"Sue, you are waiting for the old lady!!!" The worry-free fairy roared at the trial tower.

But when she finished her, she realized that the fall was actually... fell! ! !

I have a rub! The worry-free fairy eyes are big! She almost forgot that she is now half naked.

What is the situation?

Su Luo fainted himself?

She was seriously injured and fainted?

In fact, she was just bluffing just now?

At this moment, the worry-free fairy is really about to cry! ! ! !

She committed suicide so quickly! Just hold on for a while, and for a while, Su will automatically fall down! ! !

At this moment, the worry-free fairy has a strong ups and downs, his head is like a fire, and the blue smoke is constantly rushing up!

Suddenly, her figure swayed, her foot softened, and she fell to the ground and passed out.

PS: I am very grateful to the "flat life" children's shoes to enjoy 30,000 books ~ ~ PS and PS: no worries have been bloody, recommended tickets for the monthly ticket swollen wood has not come to the bowl? Especially the monthly ticket, the first day of each month, the monthly ticket competition is fierce and drastic~~

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