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Lee was thrown aside, and there was a sneer in the corner of the mouth of the worryless fairy.

She walked step by step to the sinking fall.

"Sue, you are really amazing. In addition to the six elders, the eight elders actually protect you."

"But that's not a big deal, because my strength is not weak."

"Now the people who are in the way are gone, you said, is it your turn?"

"You can rest assured that I will not kill you. I just want you to be my slave, so this will not touch the taboo of the upstream mountain. Are you right?"

"You know, you can be my worry-free slave, but you are the greatest honor in your life."

The worry-free fairy is approaching step by step, and every time he takes a step, he says a word.

Her voice is gentle, like a shallow sing, can not tell the beautiful and moving, but the words of the mouth makes people feel guilty.

Fortunately, at the moment, Su Wu’s five senses are sealed, and they can’t be heard or seen. Otherwise, they are not disgusting.

The worry-free fairy finally came to the bed before the fall of the Soviet Union.

Looking at the beautiful face of the bed, the beauty of the ice muscle jade, the heart of the worry-free fairy rose a deep unwillingness and coziness!

Before the fall of the Soviet Union, she was the goddess in everyone's mind, the center of their flattery, but now things have quietly changed.

Many people have quietly stood on the side of the Soviet Union.

"Dear slave, in the future, just serve your master." The worry-free fairy thought of Soul and fell to her in the near future, and she would fly down in the foot, and she would have to climb back and ask for sin. The scene is suddenly overwhelming.

The sharp hooks appear between the fingers of the worry-free fairy.

Worry-free fairy mouth flashed a sinister sneer.

The soul of the soul is close to the Soviet Union.

The smile on the face of the worry-free fairy has also become splendid little by little.

Just in the moment when the hook is about to penetrate the Su Lingling platform!

Suddenly, the soul of the soul... disappeared.

The worry-free fairy's fingertips are empty and nothing.

"Hey?" The worry-free fairy stared at his fingers in disbelief, his eyes flashing in disarray! what happened? How can the ghost needle disappear?

The worry-free fairy looked down for a long time but could not find it.

She finally squatted on the ground and groped for the past under the bed.

However, the soul of the soul is like being eaten by people, completely disappeared...

There was a chill in the heart of the worry-free fairy, and she stared straight at the singer... What the **** is going on?

Without a hook, can you not take Su Luo as a slave? How is her anger? How does her hate disappear?

The worry-free fairy stared at the sleeping face of Sulu’s serene smile, and the eyes narrowed down a little bit, and soon, a murderous flash passed!

Not to be missed.

There is no such good opportunity to kill the Soviet Union in the future!

The upstream mountain can't kill her, what's the relationship? Then take her out of the mountain and kill again!

The worry-free fairy smiled coldly, and picked up the clothes behind Su’s neck, and wanted to mention her to the upper mountain and kill again!

However, her hand just came into contact with the skin of the Soviet Union...


A burning flame current seems to flash in the body of the Soviet Union, and the fingers of the worry-free fairy are like electricity, and the heart hurts!

Worry-free fairy picks up his finger and looks at it... actually burned!

The finger was dark and the smell of the food was scorched...

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