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You know, how hard it is to set a record, but for 6 hours...and 15 minutes, is this gap desperate? ? ? ! ! !

After Li went out, Su Luo also had a desire to spit.

She took out the newsletter and left a message with Nangong Liuyun.

"Do you make it in Nangong? The freak downstream mountain trial tower actually took only 15 minutes! 15 minutes ah ah ah!"

"It’s just not living, how can people later break records?"

"But if you are there, you can beat him! I believe in you!"

That box, Nangong Liuyun looked at the communication bang, picked it up and glanced at it, and his mouth was slightly pumped, then he could not laugh.

But said that Su is over there.

Since the Nangong Liuyun has continuously broken the genius training camp assessment, at the end, after the record of the downstream mountain, the eyes of the entire genius training camp are concentrated on him.

The worry-free fairy heard that the other party was a young talent, white clothes, and glory. The fire suddenly ignited in the heart, and went to the lower mountain without saying anything.

At that moment, she saw the legendary mysterious man.

What kind of face is that?

In the past, the men around her are all added up, can't they compare with one of his hair?

In the moment, the worry-free fairy stayed, stupid, crazy.

At this moment, the heart of the worry-free fairy burned with raging fire, she must get this man, at all costs!

So, the worry-free fairy squatted on the skirt, ran to the top of the beautiful man, and looked up at his face, carefully asking his name: "Hello?"

The beautiful man passed her indifferently.

Worryless fairy: "..."

Good character!

No man has dared to ignore her like this!

The worry-free fairy likes him from the heart and vows to get him!

On this day, the assessment of the middle reaches of the mountain has to begin again.

At this time, Su Luo had been able to walk down the ground, so she followed Li Manman and planned to go to the middle of the mountain to go live.

In the heart of Su Luo, it is actually somewhat annoying.

If this mysterious person breaks the record for the second time, and he finishes all the mountains in a month, then he can participate in the lucky draw, maybe he can take her speed leg bones...

Su Luo was both entangled and excited to go with Li Manwan.

When Su was there, the mysterious man had already entered, but through the screen, Su Luo could still see his every move.

At the moment of seeing him, the whole person of the Soviet Union was... dumbfounded.

Li long slammed the arm of the Soviet Union and said with a smile: "How? Look good. Look at the dead."

Su Luo stared at the fascinating face that she recognized in the screen, and she was speechless for a while: "..."

Nangong Liuyun! Falling adults!

The mysterious person who is super powerful and ruthless, kills, and is, you!

Li Manwan saw Su’s staring at the beautiful man on the screen and looked at it intently. He couldn’t help but feel a little bit: “Let’s fall, you shouldn’t...”

"Hmm?" Su Luo looked at her.

"You shouldn't... look at him?" Li whispered and whispered.

Su Luo clenched his fist, the heart said: This is the girl of this girl, how can this girl not see!

On the surface of the Soviet Union, he smiled a little: "Yes, it looks really good."

Who knows, Li has drawn a piece of Su Luo, whispered: "I advise you to forget it, this person, has been stared by worry-free, no you."

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