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People do their best? Wash your brain? Dirty? old woman?

Everyone above has deeply hit the deepest heart of the worry-free fairy!

If it is someone else who is so jealous of her, but this person is the forest half that used to be her dog!

This is this... The worry-free fairy is shocked first, followed by anger!

"Lin Lin, you can't get me, you want to ruin me, so that others can't get it! You are too vicious!" The worry-free fairy pointed at Lin Banli and blamed it with anger!

Lin Banli: "...your imagination is really rich."

The worry-free fairy throat is blocked and stupidly squatting in the forest.

Lin half faintly smiled: "Nan Gong Liu Yun, who is so fascinating that the extraordinary man, will you look at you? I bet on winning."

The worry-free fairy lungs will be blown up!

"Lin Lin, hello, you are very good!" The worry-free fairy saw his look, angered and pointed to the outside. "You immediately roll me!"

Su Luo smiled and walked to the middle of Lin: "This site is yours? You are rolling, people have to roll?"

No worries and trepidation, that look, I can't wait to cut the suicide into pieces.

The Soviet Union smiled faintly and looked directly at the Nangong Liuyun in the trial tower.

Her Nangong is really a young genius, the dragon among the people, and there is no one in it.

It will be a while, he has already reached the last level.

On the wall, the record set by the first name of the Dragon List was engraved. As long as he broke the record, he would become the first place in the Dragon List.

At this moment, the worry-free fairy is also staring nervously at the screen. At this moment, she has already regarded Nangong Liuyun as her man, so she cares about Nangong Liuyun's every move.

I saw that the fingers of Nangong’s white clouds flashed a thunderbolt. In an instant, the sea water rolled up a thousand piles of snow, and the lightning flashed. It seemed that every inch of seawater was blown by current.

The most powerful existence of the seabed was awakened and forced to drill out of the sea.

It took a full hour for the first son of the Long List, which caused the most powerful existence to be hit hard.

But now, Nangong Liuyun’s hands are sealed, and there is another Thunder Sea above the sea.

Lei Hai entrained the thunder and the rush, and countless dragons danced, and all of them burst into the powerful presence.

In nine hundred and ninety-one, the dragon and thunder lightning bolted the most powerful existence of the seabed, tied it into a ball, and constantly roasting it.

The most powerful existence screamed in pain, rolled, and finally the body was burnt into coke, and eventually died unwillingly.

Someone looked at the time -

"I wipe! Nangong Liuyun has only used fifteen minutes since entering the trial tower."

What does it really mean?

It shows that Nangong Liuyun has more than enough to play, and has not been forced to play cards!

To what extent is his strength so powerful, he defeated the last powerful creature on the seabed in fifteen minutes? And still not using all the power?

For a time, everyone was stunned.

Then all come back!

I am going to go, ah! ! !

That is the last level!

That is the most powerful existence of the sea floor!

The first son of the Dragon List, he also spent an hour to barely hurt the other side! ! !

Nangong Liuyun turned out to be, he actually used the lightning to tie the other side, smashed a shock, and then the most powerful existence burned?

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